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File metadata and controls

113 lines (85 loc) · 3.98 KB
title metadata taxonomy
Setting up the basics
Setting up the basic sprinkle

The sprinkle

First thing to do is to create an empty sprinkle for our code to live in. We'll call this sprinkle Pastries. As described in the Sprinkles chapter, start by creating an empty pastries/ directory under app/sprinkles. We now have to create the composer.json file for our sprinkle:


    "name": "owlfancy/pastries",
    "type": "userfrosting-sprinkle",
    "description": "Pastries list for UserFrosting.",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "UserFrosting\\Sprinkle\\Pastries\\": "src/"

Next we need to add our Pastries sprinkle to the sprinkles.json list and update Composer so our new PSR4 mapping is picked up. From the command line, run composer update in the root directory of your UserFrosting project.

[notice=tip]Don't forget to always run any composer command from the project root directory (/).[/notice]

The route

We now create the route for the "pastries" page. Create the empty routes/ directory inside your sprinkle directory structure and create the pastries.php file:



 * Routes for pastry-related pages.
$app->group('/pastries', function () {
    $this->get('', 'UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Pastries\Controller\PastriesController:pageList')

We now have a /pastries route set up. We also define a route group for later use, if we wish to add additional routes whose URLs also begin with /pastries/. As you can see this route has the pastries name and will invoke the authGuard middleware, which requires a user to be logged in to see this page.

The controller class

Now that we have a route, we need to create the PastriesController controller with the pageList method:



namespace UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Pastries\Controller;

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use Slim\Exception\NotFoundException;
use UserFrosting\Sprinkle\Core\Controller\SimpleController;
use UserFrosting\Support\Exception\ForbiddenException;

class PastriesController extends SimpleController
    public function pageList(Request $request, Response $response, $args)
        return $this->ci->view->render($response, 'pages/pastries.html.twig', [


[notice=tip]Later on, we can add methods for other pastry-related pages to this same class as a way to logically organize our code.[/notice]

The template file

Finally, we need to create the template file. We use the same file as the one defined in your controller:


{% extends 'pages/abstract/dashboard.html.twig' %}

{# Overrides blocks in head of base template #}
{% block page_title %}Pastries{% endblock %}
{% block page_description %}This page provides a yummy list of pastries{% endblock %}

{% block body_matter %}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <div class="box box-primary">
                <div class="box-header">
                    <h3 class="box-title"><i class="fa fa-cutlery fa-fw"></i> List of Pastries</h3>
                <div class="box-body">

{% endblock %}

Testing the page skeleton

You should now be able to manually go to the /pastries page in your browser and see the result:

Pastries page

You'll notice that at this point, we're not actually displaying any useful content on the page. In the next section, we'll discuss how to display content dynamically retrieved from the database.