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ifc2x3.ts / 0.2.4

ifc2x3.ts 0.2.4

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @alanrynne/ifc2x3.ts@0.2.4
Install via package.json:
"@alanrynne/ifc2x3.ts": "0.2.4"

About this version

IFC2X3 Typescript

This package holds all IFC classes corresponding to version IFC2X3.

It was auto-generated using ifc-syntax-codegen, part of the IFC Developer Tools developed by Alan Rynne.

These package is currently under development and most of the IFC functions, rules and validation have no implementation. Pending future releases!



  • ifc2x3.ts-0.2.4.tgz

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