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How to redeem $COLD as interest

ᗧ···ᗣ···ᗣ edited this page May 1, 2024 · 3 revisions

For best privacy, users are encouraged to create a NEW wallet for each XFG deposit.

During first rounds of testing we will be verifying deposit proofs and making $COLD payouts, manually.

As we progress, we will always continue searching for and rewarding solutions which help make this process more automated, private, and decentralized.

Cool. Ok, all relevant data required for redemption must be sent by Fuego P2P private message

using "Send Message" tab in 🖥fuego-desktop shown below:

SEND TO: (Fuego Development wallet address) @


In the message box you will need to add in this order & NO SPACES

1st: Your Fuego Address (found at top of wallet) [98 characters]

2nd: Your WITHDRAWAL transaction hash (found in deposit details at end of term) [64 characters]

3rd: Your private **VIEW** key (found in backup keys of settings) [64 characters]

4th: Your Tron address for $COLD. [34 characters]

Example : fireVHx639SLMhzmBoJ8drTXbVyv2eRG6A8aMLc1taTiRNwk8pnwXpBDUSjH1dT5fg7yVVZrKkvm31CmigAMdVDg7sgxJmAUNp6d5aa9edca1f9d75b1bb1d7f1f94af4013d627bd8df28ec9a191046da9df5d03433303ccf18919aad1169836bd6447898826dafa174582ab106f0efaeb77f303TENiWAXwPdn5gz9PVFCg5wHWhiQAaZbbAJ

Also, if you don't feel comfortable sending (what should be a burner wallet's) private_VIEWkey in a private p2p Fuego message to a 3rd party (dev/myself) [understandable] you can wait and cash in any completed deposits once we have finished payout automation & verification thru smart contract. (removal of 3rd party)