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Lab: Argument Map

Sophie Engle edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 1 revision

These steps assume you have already created a professional GitHub account to use for this class.

  1. Enter your GitHub username (not the email associated with your account or the profile link) in Canvas at:

We need this information to give you access to the homework template repositories. Until we add you to the usf-cs212-2017 organization, you will not be able to remotely test your code! Please make sure you accept the invitation ASAP.

  1. Follow the steps in Guides: Java and Eclipse Setup. If you are not using your own laptop in class, skip to the "Setup Folders" and "Configure Eclipse" sections.

  2. Follow the steps in Guides: Configuring SSH Keys. If you are not using your own laptop in class, you only need to complete the "Authorize CS Labs on GitHub" section.

  3. Click the following GitHub Classroom link to have your homework submission repository automatically setup for you.

💡 If you end up with a -2 at the end of your repository name, something went wrong. Flag down the instructor for help.

  1. Follow the steps in Guides: Importing Eclipse Projects from Github to import your homework repository as a project in Eclipse.

  2. Follow the "Local Testing", "Remote Testing", and "Submission" sections of the Homework page. You should be failing several unit tests at this point. We are just making sure your setup is working at this point.

✅ You need to try to make it at least this far for the lab!

  1. With the remaining time in class, begin working on the homework and start trying to pass the tests one at a time. You are done once you are passing all of the tests locally and remotely!

:octocat: If you are unfamiliar with git and GitHub, see the Learning Git and GitHub guide after lab for some helpful resources.