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Selenium Nodejs Starter

This framework combines selenium with jest asserts to create a report, takes screenshots, and other features


One click usage (chrome)

By default there are two test, to execute them, run this

npm uninstall chromedriver
npm install chromedriver --detect_chromedriver_version
npm install
npm run test

This will give a your a report like this


Or a web report


Also you could simulate an error in some expect, run again and check the screenshots folder with the test uuid



Just add your new test into the ./tests folder using your own tree structure

Advanced Configurations


You will have a testOptions.json file in the root of this project, you should only change the variables inside virtualUserSuites. You can also limit the files to test in the files arrays setting the name of the tests files that you want to test.

name Description Default Value Required
files The files or directory that you want to test, setting it to an empty array will test all files [] false
reportWeb Generate report on Web(HTML) false true
reportMode Change the type of report keeping its default structure or adjusting the report columns staticDeep true
columnNames The name of the columns that will be related to the directory structure [] true
virtualUserSuites The number of whole test suites you want to simulate and its specific configurations and variables, each test virtual user suite represents 1 user. virtualUserSuite array true
virtualUserMultiplier If you want to execute more users. It multiplies the virtualUserSuites. 1 false

A virtualUserSuite object has the following properties:

name Description Default Value Required
identifier An identifier for this test suite Will default to the position in the array true
skip The app will skip this test suite false false
files If the length of the array is more than 0 will overwrite the global files options [] false
variables Global variables for all of the test of this suite null false

Example of an empty testOptions.json file

  "files": [],
  "virtualUserMultiplier": 1,
  "reportWeb": false,
  "reportMode": "staticDeep",
  "columnNames": ["enterprise", "feature", "scenario"],
  "virtualUserSuites": [
      "skip": false,
      "identifier": "first-test",
      "files": [],
      "variables": {
        "acmeBaseUrl": ""

In case sensitive data is required, it can be obtained directly from the environment variables

Example in testOptions.json file

  "files": [],
  "virtualUserMultiplier": 1,
  "reportMode": "staticDeep",
  "columnNames": ["enterprise", "feature", "scenario"],
  "virtualUserSuites": [
      "skip": false,
      "identifier": "first-test",
      "files": [],
      "variables": {
        "acmeBaseUrl": ""
        "acmeApiKey": "${API_KEY}"

Just expose or inject them before the test execution. Linux sample:

export API_KEY="changeme"


You will have a browserOptions.json file in the root of this project. Where you can add or remove the options of the browser that selenium executes. Most of those variables should not be touched unless you know what you are doing. The --headless option can be removed to not run in it a non headless mode.

  "arguments": ["--log-level=1", "--headless", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-gpu"]

Shell variables

You can overwrite the files option adding FILTERED_FILES to your environment variables, separating the files or directories by an space.

In an .env file:

FILTERED_FILES = test1.test.js test2.test.js

In linux:

export FILTERED_FILES="test1.test.js test2.test.js"

In windows:

set FILTERED_FILES="test1.test.js test2.test.js"

Custom columns

By default this framework only prints 3 columns. If you need to have more columns visit Settings Shell Report and use the defaultMode



Luis Huertas

AJ Derteano