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--How to run project? 1- Uncomment the JavaSwing and DB which you want to use in project (from main) Select any one from both options given below:

	new MYSQLDB(game); (MYSQL DB)
    	new TextDB(game);  (Text Files DB)

	new GameOfLifeFrame(game); (Java swing)
    	new MainFrame(game); (Console JavaSwing)

2- Compile the project and run

--Game Of Life contains 2 JavaSwing Interfaces which are as following: 1- GUI (Java Swing Interface) 2- Console (Terminal Interface requires keyboard to interact with game)

--Game contains two DB's 1- MYSQL DB 2- TEXT DB

--Project Details: 1. Manually draw a pattern by selecting/deselecting cells Select any cell with updates the cell status 2. Start Update the game status to start It creates new Thread named GameLoop and loop the game 3. Next Update the current shape to next shape 4. Stop Update the game status to stop. Stop GameLoop 5. Reset Reset the game to inital shape if game is running else clear the grid 6. Save State Save current shape to connected DB 7. Load State Load the last saved state into grid 8. Speed Control You can change speed of the game by using speed bar 9. Grid Zoom You can change zoom by using zoom bar also you can move the grid by using up/down right/left arrow keys 10. Counter Maintains the generation count 11. View Saved States You can view saved states (of your choice) by clicking and selecting view states 12. Delete a Saved State You can delete the last recent state from connected DB.

--MYSQL Connection Details: 1- Execute these in MYSQL: create database gol; USE gol; CREATE TABLE gol.CELLS ( id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, X_Axis int NOT NULL, Y_Axis int NOT NULL, Name char(30), PRIMARY KEY (id) );

2- Change Host name & password in according to your account(host name & password)
	String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/gol";
        	connect = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "root", "root");

--Game Of Life Sound: Set Path according to your PC: File file = new File("\GameOfLife\src\com\BL\pinkPanther.wav");


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