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An OSINT tool for IT ninjas

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Usage:: (local)

First clone the repository

git clone

Enter into the directory, which live in dipense/dipense

cd dipense/dipense

Create virtual environment

python -m venv d_venv

Activate virtual environment

source d_venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now run the development server by:

python runserver

Visit the url address http://localhost:8000, use the below user credential to login!

Email: Password: root1234

Usage:: (Docker release)

Note The docker version is too old, but soon new will be release!

To use this tool you have to make sure you have docker install as well as docker-compose, also make sure you have nothing running on port 8000 and 80 because these ports are going to be use for the services

After that then you are to pull the image from docker with

docker pull usmanmusa/dipense

Next you are to clone the github repo of the project in other to get the docker-compose.yml by:

git clone

Now cd into the project folder you just clone to spin up the services using the command::

docker-compose up

you can use the command below instead of the above, in other to see how it build the image::

docker-compose up --build

Once that finish, you will notice in your terminal that it says you can reach it at, that one is a gunicorn server which doesn't serve static files, we recommend visiting it at port 80 which is an Nginx server that can serve static files, and it is a proxy to that gunicorn container.

Usage:: (Pypi release)

First we recommend creating a virtual environment python -m venv venv and then activate it source venv/bin/activate

Once that finish now install the library using

pip install --upgrade dipense

Wait for the installation to finish, basically the library was uploaded using sdist (Source Distribution)

After that, create a new file let call it in the file put the below code

from dipense import payloads
from dipense.structure import helper

if __name__ == '__main__':

save the file and navigate to where the file is located in terminal and your are ready to go

To find information about a domain name run the file like:

python payloadwho -d
# or
python payloadwho --domain

To find information about an ip address run the file like so below, and the command require root previlage (super user):

python payloadip -i
# or
python payloadip --ip

You can also specify a flag of -o or --open to True this will automatically open a webbrowser showing you where that ip address is located, like:

python payloadip -i -o True
# or
python payloadip -i --open True

To find information about a phone number run the file like you see below, be sure to start with the country code of that phone number:

python payloadnum -n +2349083513047
# or
python payloadnum --number +2349083513047

To see positional argument and flags available run the file without any flag or positional argument like:


See more documentations here!

Useful links

Build Status

  • version 0.1.5

DiPense at a glance (docker)

DiPense at a glance

DiPense at a glance (pypi)

DiPense at a glance

Pull requests are welcome