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Yanbing Zhao edited this page Aug 31, 2018 · 3 revisions

VirtualChest Wiki

Welcome to the VirtualChest wiki. This wiki contains some instructions and examples about how to use a plugin called VirtualChest.

VirtualChest is a Sponge Plugin, which make it possible to create a menu with chest GUI. There are several Bukkit plugins having similar features, such as ChestCommands, BossShop, and DeluxeMenus.

The whole wiki is based on version 1.x of VirtualChest. All the configuration files for v0.4.x should also be able to migrate to v1.x without modifying anything.


VirtualChest v1.x is designed to work normally on the latest stable version of SpongeForge/SpongeVanilla 1.10.2, 1.11.2, and 1.12.x. In other words, it should work normally under SpongeAPI v5.1.0, v6.0.0, and v7.0.0.

VirtualChest v1.x depends on PlaceholderAPI v4.x. Please check if the correct version of PlaceholderAPI is installed on the server.

Download and install the plugin

The release of VirtualChest plugin could be found both at Github and Ore.

In order to install the plugin, you just need to put it into the mods/ directory, as you did with other Sponge plugins.

File Structure

A new directory, config/virtualchest, will be created after you installed the plugin and start the Sponge server.

The main configuration is located at config/virtualchest/virtualchest.conf. All the menu configuration files are located in config/virtualchest/menu/ directory.

VirtualChest uses HOCON file format to store and read configurations, which is the most commonly used in Sponge plugins.

The name of the files in config/virtualchest/menu/ directory determine the name of the corresponding menu. For example, two example confguration files will be created when the plugin is loaded on the server for the first time. They are config/virtualchest/menu/example.conf, which represents a menu named example, and config/virtualchest/menu/example2.conf, which represents a menu named example2.

Reporting bugs or suggesting new features

There are two ways recommended for reporting bugs and suggesting new features:

Please provide as much information as possible to help the author find out what went wrong if you want to report bugs. It is highly recommended to provide the following information:

  • The version of VirtualChest
  • The version of PlaceholderAPI
  • The information about economy and permission plugin if available
  • The version of SpongeForge/SpongeVanilla and MinecraftForge/Minecraft
  • The fml-server-latest.log or latest.log (recommended to copy into pastebin)


VirtualChest is gradually improving the API for third-party developers. Now it can be obtained by maven repository or direct download (from GitHub Releases, Ore, etc.).

Here is a typical configuration part for adding VirtualChestAPI v1.x to Gradle project:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'virtualchest'
        url = ''

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.ustc_zzzz:VirtualChestAPI:1.+'

The version number of VirtualChestAPI would be consistent with VirtualChest itself.


The source code of VirtualChest (including VirtualChestAPI) is under LGPLv3 license.

CC-BY-SA 4.0 The whole VirtualChest wiki is under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.