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USWDS 3.7.0

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@thisisdano thisisdano released this 09 Nov 22:58
· 314 commits to main since this release

What's new in USWDS 3.7.0

Items we've identified with a Markup change have a non-breaking change in their component markup. Teams should update their implementations and templates to reflect this change.


Package A11y Breaking Markup change Description
usa-banner Updated the banner component so that it initializes without requiring import of the usa-accordion package. (#5551)
usa-banner Optimized the us_flag_small.png icon and added a vector us_flag.svg icon. Update this asset in your project for improved image quality. Thanks @aduth! (#5542)
usa-data-picker Yes Improved keyboard navigation for screen readers in the date picker component. This change enables table navigation controls in the calendar, which creates more consistent and intuitive navigation across browsers and screen readers. (#5374)
usa-icon Added the X social media icon. We added the X social media icon, but also preserved the legacy Twitter icon to allow teams to make the decision on when to update their social media information. (#5589)
usa-modal Updated modal JavaScript to include fallbacks and error messages when initialization cannot be completed. This update also prevented errors when trying to initialize modal twice. (#5315)

Bug fixes

Package A11y Breaking Markup change Description
usa-card Fixed a bug that prevented $theme-card-padding-y from accepting expected token values. (#5571)
usa-footer Yes Restored underlines to footer links in default states. Now, footer links meet WCAG 2.0 AA requirements. (#5588)
usa-identifier Yes Yes Updated the screen reader readout to say "Official" instead of "An official". When read out on a screen reader, the statement "An official website of [Agency name]" can sound like "UNofficial website of [Agency name]". To minimize confusion, we hid the word "An" from screen readers with aria-hidden. To improve the screen reader experience, update your component markup. (#5491)
usa-range Yes Yes Removed redundant ARIA attributes on the range component to improve the screen reader experience. To incorporate these changes, update your range component markup. (#5413)
usa-range Yes Yes Added optional data-text-unit and data-text-preposition attributes to range slider. When used alongside the max attribute, the optional data-text-unit attribute adds language for the unit type. For example, adding a value of "stars" enables a readout like "3.5 stars of 5". The optional data-text-preposition creates the ability to customize the language of the preposition "of" in that string. (#5472)
usa-site-alert Removed the top margin from the site alert component. Thanks @lpsinger! (#5550)
uswds-core Fixed a bug that prevented $theme-site-margins-width from accepting expected token values. (#5582)

Dependencies and security

Updated the default node version from 16 to 20. (#5560)

Dependency name Previous version New version
classlist-polyfill 1.0.3 1.2.0
@babel/core 7.16.7 7.23.2
@babel/preset-env 7.16.7 7.23.2
@chanzuckerberg/axe-storybook-testing 6.3.0 6.3.1
@material-design-icons/svg 0.11.1 0.14.13
@storybook/addon-a11y 6.5.12 6.5.16
@storybook/addon-essentials 6.5.12 6.5.16
@storybook/addon-links 6.5.12 6.5.16
@storybook/builder-webpack5 6.5.12 6.5.16
@storybook/html 6.5.12 6.5.16
@storybook/manager-webpack5 6.5.12 6.5.16
@types/node 16.11.19 20.8.9
ansi-colors 4.1.1 4.1.3
autoprefixer 10.4.1 10.4.16
axe-core 4.6.3 4.8.2
babel-loader 8.2.2 9.1.3
css-loader 6.2.0 6.8.1
eslint 8.4.1 8.52.0
eslint-config-prettier 8.3.0 9.0.0
eslint-plugin-import 2.25.4 2.29.0
eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized 4.0.1 4.0.2
fancy-log 1.3.3 2.0.0
gulp-replace 1.1.3 1.1.4
handlebars-helpers 0.9.8 0.10.0
html-webpack-plugin 5.4.0 5.5.3
postcss 8.4.19 8.4.31
postcss-csso 6.0.0 6.0.1
postcss-discard-comments 5.0.1 6.0.0
postcss-loader 6.1.1 7.3.3
postcss-preset-env 7.4.2 9.2.0
prettier 2.4.1 2.8.8
sass-embedded 1.58.3 1.69.5
sass-loader 12.1.0 13.3.2
snyk 1.1064.0 1.1237.0
style-loader 3.3.0 3.3.3
stylelint 15.10.1 15.11.0
svgo 2.8.0 3.0.2
twigjs-loader 1.0.2 1.0.3
typescript 4.4.4 5.2.2
webpack 5.76.0 5.89.0
webpack-cli 4.9.1 5.1.4

0 vulnerabilities in regular dependencies (dependencies for USWDS projects installed with npm install @uswds/uswds)

24 moderate, 27 high vulnerabilities in devDependencies (development dependencies)

Release TGZ SHA-256 hash: 3806aed4a1affb5dd66fda8a0ecef3c56240242117d7172647c2f1e04c7f62e0