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PLUNDER: Probabilistic Program Synthesis for Learning from Unlabeled and Noisy Demonstrations

Our goal is to synthesize a programmatic state machine policy from time-series data while simultaneously inferring a set of high-level action labels.

Related Resources

PLUNDER (codebase):

AMRL Google Drive (presentations and videos):


Project Website:


Our system is a discrete-time Markov process defined by:

  • an action space $A$ = a set of discrete action labels $a \in A$
    • Ex: $a \in$ {ACC, DEC, CON}
  • a low-level observation space $Z$ = a continuous domain of low-level observations $z \in Z$: controlled joystick directives, motor inputs, etc.
    • Ex: $z = acc \in \mathbb{R}$, where $acc$ is the acceleration
  • a state space $S$ = a continuous domain of constants or variables $c, y \in S$.
    • Ex: $c = accMax \in \mathbb{R}, y = pos \in \mathbb{R}$
  • an action-selection policy (ASP) $\pi: A \times S \rightarrow A$ that maps the current action label and the current state to the next action label
  • an observation model $O: A \rightarrow distr(Z)$ that maps discrete action labels to a distribution over low-level observations via discrete motor controllers

Overall problem formulation:


We know the problem domain $A, Z, S$, as well as the observation model $O$. We are given a set of demonstrations, which are defined simply as trajectories with the action labels missing, i.e. $s_{1:t}$ and $z_{1:t}$.


We would like to:

  1. Infer the values of the action labels in the demonstrations ($a_{1:t}$)
  2. Synthesize an ASP that is maximally consistent with the demonstrations ($\pi^*$)

Dependencies & Setup

See pips/. In addition, this project requires Scipy: If you wish to run the highway environment yourself, you'll need highway-env and its dependencies: If you wish to run the robotic arm environment yourself, you'll also need panda-gym and its dependencies:

How to run examples

We have provided five example tasks: 1D-target, 2D-highway-env, 2D-merge, panda-pick-place, and panda-stack.

To run these tasks:

  1. Go into the Makefile and set the variable target_dir to the desired folder (default set to 1D-target).
  2. Run make to build the project.
  3. Run make em (for 1D-target) or make emng (for the other tasks) to run PLUNDER.

Please see each of these folders for an extended usage guide.

Further configuration

To setup a custom environment, you will need to do the following:

  • Create a new folder to house your problem domain.
  • In that directory, create the files domain.h, robot.h, settings.h, and emdips_operations.json.
  • In domain.h, define your action space, observation space, and state space.
  • In robot.h, define your observation model.
  • In settings.h, tune the desired parameters and I/O paths.
  • In emdips_operations, define your desired operations (plus, minus, times, etc). See pips/ for general tips and guidelines for defining operations and a list of existing operations.

If you need to simulate your own demonstrations, you can also use our interface to:

  • Define the ground-truth ASP and the physical simulation model in robot.h.
  • Set the desired demonstration initial states in another file robotSets.h.

An example setup is defined in 1D-target; it may be easier to copy paste that folder and work from there.

Then, you can use make commands to run the project:

  • make to build the project. (Go into the Makefile and set the variable target_dir to the desired folder, then run make.)
  • make em to run the full EM Synthesis algorithm, including simulating demonstrations
  • make emng to run the EM Synthesis algorithm, without simulating demonstrations
  • make plt to plot the algorithm outputs and store them in png format
  • make clean, make clear_data, make purge to delete all build files, to clear all data/plots/trajectories, or both
  • make snapshot to archive current settings and output files to a given folder

Other make commands which are not commonly used alone:

  • make gen to run only the simulation
  • make pf to run only the particle filter (E-step)
  • make settings to compile settings

Project Organization

This project is roughly split into the following components:

  • simulation/ - for simulating demonstrations given a ground-truth ASP
  • particleFilter/ (expectation step) - runs a particle filter to get a set of most likely action labels
  • pips/ (maximization step) - runs a program synthesizer to generate the program that is maximally consistent with the given action labels
  • synthesis/ - runs the EM-loop, alternating between expectation and maximization steps
  • system.h - fully defines the discrete-time Markov process given domain.h and robot.h
  • utils.h - useful functions for general use
  • includes.h - all include statements for tidiness
  • translateSettings.cpp - converts settings.h into a text file (settings.txt) for easy Python interpretation


Synthesizing action selection policies from noisy, low-level demonstrations






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