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UT Multi-Robot Simulator

Build Status


  1. glog
  2. gflags
  3. Lua5.1

You can install all the dependencies on *buntu using:

sudo apt install libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev liblua5.1-0-dev

To set up the pre-commit and pre-push hooks that verify changes are able to build locally, run


from inside the root of the repo.


  1. Add the project directory to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:
    (Replace MYDIRECTORY with the actual directory) You can also add this to your ~/.bashrc file so that you don't have to do this every time you open a new terminal.
  2. Run git submodule update --init --recursive to pull all the submodules.
  3. Build the program (do not run cmake, catkin_make, rosbuild):
    Optionally, to compile on all cores (make sure you have sufficient RAM!)
    make -j


Run ./bin/simulator

The simulator laser scans to the /laser topic, odometry messages to /odom, and visualization messages to /simulator_visualization. It listens to motion commands on /ackermann_drive, and location initialization messages on /initialpose.

Visualize Simulation

Run rosrun rviz rviz -d visualization.rviz