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A skeleton theme for Drupal 8

Bare Bones includes only the most essential files to get you started with custom theme development.

You don't have to worry about creating all the files from scratch, just copy this to your themes directory and start with development.

CSS and JS source files are located inside the sass and scripts directories. These are compiled into the assets folder, which also includes the images and fonts directories where you should put all your theme images and fonts.

You can use rem units for font sizes: 1rem = 10px, 1.8rem = 18px, etc.



Download or clone this theme in to your themes directory

git clone

Remove git directory

cd barebones
rm -R .git;

Install npm packages and run gulp

cd .npm
npm install
npm audit fix

Set Bare Bones as your default theme

drush config-set system.theme default barebones -y

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