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Merge 6dd2026 into c6c3af5
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lwasylow committed Jun 15, 2019
2 parents c6c3af5 + 6dd2026 commit 11b6913
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Showing 33 changed files with 2,834 additions and 33 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion development/
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#goto git root directory
git rev-parse && cd "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)"

. development/
#. development/

set echo on
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion development/
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#goto git root directory
git rev-parse && cd "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)"

. development/
#. development/

if ! development/; then
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion docs/userguide/
Expand Up @@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ utPLSQL expectations incorporates advanced data comparison options when comparin
- refcursor
- object type
- nested table and varray
- json data-types

Advanced data-comparison options are available for the [`equal`]( and [`contain`]( matcher.

## Syntax

ut.expect( a_actual {data-type} ).to_( equal( a_expected {data-type})[.extendend_option()[.extendend_option()[...]]]);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,3 +504,5 @@ Finished in .046193 seconds
1 tests, 0 failed, 0 errored, 0 disabled, 0 warning(s)

247 changes: 229 additions & 18 deletions docs/userguide/
Expand Up @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ end;
## have_count
Unary matcher that validates if the provided dataset count is equal to expected value.

Can be used with `refcursor` or `table type`
Can be used with `refcursor` , `json`or `table type`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1177,7 +1177,218 @@ Finished in .048181 seconds

# Comparing Json objects

utPLSQL is capable of comparing json data-types on Oracle 12.2 and above.

### Notes on comparison of json data

- Json data can contain objects, scalar or arrays.
- During comparison of json objects the order doesn't matter.
- During comparison of json arrays the index of element is taken into account
- To compare json you have to make sure its type of `json_element_t` or its subtypes

Some examples of using json data-types in matcher are :

create or replace package test_expectations_json is

--%suite(json expectations)

--%test(Gives success for identical data)
procedure success_on_same_data;

create or replace package body test_expectations_json is

procedure success_on_same_data is
l_expected json_element_t;
l_actual json_element_t;
-- Arrange
l_expected := json_element_t.parse('
"name":"Tom Cruise",
"Born At":"Syracuse, NY",
"Birthdate":"July 3, 1962",
"Isabella Jane",
"name":"Robert Downey Jr.",
"Born At":"New York City, NY",
"Birthdate":"April 4, 1965",
"wife":"Susan Downey",
"Indio Falconer",
"Avri Roel",
"Exton Elias"

l_actual := json_element_t.parse('
"name":"Tom Cruise",
"Born At":"Syracuse, NY",
"Birthdate":"July 3, 1962",
"Isabella Jane",
"name":"Robert Downey Jr.",
"Born At":"New York City, NY",
"Birthdate":"April 4, 1965",
"wife":"Susan Downey",
"Indio Falconer",
"Avri Roel",
"Exton Elias"

ut3.ut.expect( l_actual ).to_equal( l_actual );


It is possible to use a PL/SQL to extract a piece of JSON and compare it as follow

create or replace package test_expectations_json is

--%suite(json expectations)

--%test(Gives success for identical pieces of two different jsons)
procedure to_diff_json_extract_same;


create or replace package body test_expectations_json is

procedure to_diff_json_extract_same as
l_expected json_object_t;
l_actual json_object_t;
l_array_actual json_array_t;
l_array_expected json_array_t;
-- Arrange
l_expected := json_object_t.parse(' {
"Actors": [
"name": "Tom Cruise",
"age": 56,
"Born At": "Syracuse, NY",
"Birthdate": "July 3, 1962",
"photo": "",
"wife": null,
"weight": 67.5,
"hasChildren": true,
"hasGreyHair": false,
"children": [
"Isabella Jane",
"name": "Robert Downey Jr.",
"age": 53,
"Born At": "New York City, NY",
"Birthdate": "April 4, 1965",
"photo": "",
"wife": "Susan Downey",
"weight": 77.1,
"hasChildren": true,
"hasGreyHair": false,
"children": [
"Indio Falconer",
"Avri Roel",
"Exton Elias"

l_actual := json_object_t.parse(' {
"name": "Krzystof Jarzyna",
"age": 53,
"Born At": "Szczecin",
"Birthdate": "April 4, 1965",
"photo": "niewidzialny",
"wife": "Susan Downey",
"children": [
"Indio Falconer",
"Avri Roel",
"Exton Elias"

l_array_actual := json_array_t(json_query(l_actual.stringify,'$.Actors.children'));
l_array_expected := json_array_t(json_query(l_expected.stringify,'$.Actors[1].children'));


# Negating a matcher

Expectations provide a very convenient way to perform a check on a negated matcher.

Syntax to check for matcher evaluating to true:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1211,21 +1422,21 @@ Since NULL is neither *true* nor *false*, both expectations will report failure.

The matrix below illustrates the data types supported by different matchers.

| Matcher | blob | boolean | clob | date | number | timestamp | timestamp<br>with<br>timezone | timestamp<br>with<br>local<br>timezone | varchar2 | interval<br>year<br>to<br>month | interval<br>day<br>to<br>second | cursor | nested<br>table<br>/ varray | object |
| :---------------------- | :--: | :-----: | :--: | :--: | :----: | :-------: | :---------------------------: | :------------------------------------: | :------: | :-----------------------------: | :-----------------------------: | :----: | :-------------------------: | :----: |
| **be_not_null** | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| **be_null** | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| **be_false** | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| **be_true** | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| **be_greater_than** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | |
| **be_greater_or_equal** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | |
| **be_less_or_equal** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | |
| **be_less_than** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | |
| **be_between** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | | | |
| **equal** | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| **contain** | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X | X |
| **match** | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | |
| **be_like** | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | |
| **be_empty** | X | | X | | | | | | | | | X | X | |
| **have_count** | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X | |
| Matcher | blob | boolean | clob | date | number | timestamp | timestamp<br>with<br>timezone | timestamp<br>with<br>local<br>timezone | varchar2 | interval<br>year<br>to<br>month | interval<br>day<br>to<br>second | cursor | nested<br>table<br>/ varray | object | json |
| :---------------------: | :--: | :-----: | :--: | :--: | :----: | :-------: | :---------------------------: | :------------------------------------: | :------: | :-----------------------------: | :-----------------------------: | :----: | :-------------------------: | :----: | :--: |
| **be_not_null** | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| **be_null** | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| **be_false** | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| **be_true** | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| **be_greater_than** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | | |
| **be_greater_or_equal** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | | |
| **be_less_or_equal** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | | |
| **be_less_than** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | | X | X | | | | |
| **be_between** | | | | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | | | | |
| **equal** | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
| **contain** | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X | X | |
| **match** | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | |
| **be_like** | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | |
| **be_empty** | X | | X | | | | | | | | | X | X | | X |
| **have_count** | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X | | X |

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions source/api/ut.pkb
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ create or replace package body ut is
return ut_expectation(ut_data_value_dsinterval(a_actual), a_message);

function expect(a_actual in json_element_t , a_message varchar2 := null) return ut_expectation_json is
return ut_expectation_json(ut_data_value_json(a_actual), a_message);

procedure fail(a_message in varchar2) is
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions source/api/ut.pks
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ create or replace package ut authid current_user as

function expect(a_actual in dsinterval_unconstrained, a_message varchar2 := null) return ut_expectation;

function expect(a_actual in json_element_t , a_message varchar2 := null) return ut_expectation_json;

procedure fail(a_message in varchar2);

function run(
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions source/core/ut_utils.pkb
Expand Up @@ -490,6 +490,7 @@ create or replace package body ut_utils is
execute immediate 'delete from ut_compound_data_tmp';
execute immediate 'delete from ut_compound_data_diff_tmp';
execute immediate 'delete from ut_json_data_diff_tmp';

function to_version(a_version_no varchar2) return t_version is
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions source/create_synonyms_and_grants_for_public.sql
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ alter session set current_schema = &&ut3_owner;

grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation to public;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_compound to public;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_json to public;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_be_between to public;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_be_empty to public;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_be_false to public;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ prompt Creating synonyms for UTPLSQL objects in &&ut3_owner schema to PUBLIC

create public synonym ut_expectation for &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation;
create public synonym ut_expectation_compound for &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_compound;
create public synonym ut_expectation_json for &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_json;

create public synonym be_between for &&ut3_owner..be_between;
create public synonym be_empty for &&ut3_owner..be_empty;
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions source/create_user_grants.sql
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ alter session set current_schema = &&ut3_owner;

grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation to &ut3_user;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_compound to &ut3_user;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_json to &ut3_user;

grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_be_between to &ut3_user;
grant execute on &&ut3_owner..ut_be_empty to &ut3_user;
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions source/create_user_synonyms.sql
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ prompt Creating synonyms for UTPLSQL objects in &&ut3_owner schema to user &&ut3

create or replace synonym &ut3_user..ut_expectation for &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation;
create or replace synonym &ut3_user..ut_expectation_compound for &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_compound;
create or replace synonym &ut3_user..ut_expectation_json for &&ut3_owner..ut_expectation_json;

create or replace synonym &ut3_user..be_between for &&ut3_owner..be_between;
create or replace synonym &ut3_user..be_empty for &&ut3_owner..be_empty;
Expand Down

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