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  1. Go to GitHub and generate a new access token

    • Click your profile in the top right and go to Settings
    • At the bottom of the left hand menu, click Developer Settings
    • Click Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic)
    • Generate a new classic token with the read:packages permission
    • Copy the token
    • On the token you created, click Configure SSO and give it access to uts-itd
  2. Create a new environment variable called GH_TOKEN using the copied token

  3. Create a new Node project.

  4. Create a .npmrc file with the following contents:

  5. Install the canvas-api package using npm install @uts-itd/canvas-api


import { Canvas } from '@uts-itd/canvas-api';

const canvas = Canvas("", CANVAS_TOKEN);

const courses = await canvas_api.accounts.listActiveCoursesInAccount(1);