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Muhammad Utsman edited this page Jul 25, 2021 · 1 revision

You able to search route between two location.


implementation 'io.github.utsmannn:geolib-routes:{last_version}'

Create PlaceRoute

val placesRoute = createPlacesRoute(HERE_MAPS_API)

Search route between locations

For search a route, use searchRoute DSL builder.

val buaran: Location = Location("").apply {
    latitude = -6.2220484
    longitude = 106.9217385

val depok: Location = Location("").apply {
    latitude = -6.4090897
    longitude = 106.8122967

val result: Result<RouteData> = placesRoute.searchRoute {
    startLocation = buaran // location start
    endLocation = depok // location end
    transportMode = TransportMode.BIKE

result.doOnSuccess { routes ->
    // handle success

result.doOnFailure {
    // handler failure


Param type desc
startLocation Location start destination
endLocation Location end destination
transportMode TransportMode transport mode, available CAR and BIKE, default is CAR

Route Data

Param type desc
encodedPolyline String encoded of geometry
geometries List<LatLng> list LatLng of geometry
length Float Length of polyline decoded