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Releases: uujuju1/project-oblivion

my own planet gen

03 Jul 03:10
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  • rework of lamoni's planet generator
  • 3 new turrets
  • hafnium wall ore
  • tons of bugfixing
  • finally managed to get the release and the mod version correctly

more concept art

planet and units

26 Jun 15:22
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finally finished lamoni
oblivion-test may be removed soon
and added special bullets in new unit tree

New planet stuff

10 Jun 00:42
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imma give short version

added planet specific stuf
oh and more concept art

full port to v7

15 May 04:20
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mod minGameVersion set to 136 cant run on v6 anymore
rework of all turrets ingame
change of t3's meso cannon
oblivion tech tree moved into a separate window

yes, new unit tree

06 May 20:40
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added, phi, root, multi, pow & expo(not based on math)
added functive factory(n o t b a s e d o n m a t h)
added hammer and press
thanks for @d689 for the balancing, @12three7 & others for the ost(in a separate repo)
well here's a preview of a possible future update


30 Apr 16:05
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added yetinus: a new t6 the upgrade for omura
added calamity, fear and abyss statusEffects or so called by ascendite "Sigils"
added StatusBombs blocks that have a funky way of "crafting" status to be launched in a specific area


25 Apr 22:08
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"A massive air unit was created, capable of causing terror to victim bases, Bloodmoon was it's name, created to attack Ascendite"
Bloodmoon, a new t6 made to expand the flare tree, has a absurdly long cannon that frags into homing bullets
rework of all crafters's draw code
resprite of Meso Forge, Calonic Kiln & Cloro Synthetizer

The sea beast is on its way


16 Apr 19:14
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"the creation of the giants changed everything, now Ascendite had a huge military advantage against Omnipade and Poisoneri..."
added 3 new t6s and a rather bad reconstructor
the t6s are: Republic, Giga and Archaranid
Archaranid has a bug with its point bullet, it doesnt have a maxRange and idk how to fix it i might change its weapons to a laser in the future

2 sets of units, 2 sets of turrets, unbalanced stuff

09 Apr 02:34
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