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Steps to create the Masternode

UVC edited this page Jun 15, 2019 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the uvc wiki! In order to create the masternode, you need only a few steps to complete.

Step1 Buy a VPS

You can use your budget to buy VPS from any carrier. MN does not require a lot of hardware, just 1CPU/1G of RAM is enough, and may cost as little as $5 per month.

Step2 Download wallet

Choose the version based on your operating system.We offer Win64 and Linux64 two versions. After download you can read this guide to install the wallet: Once the UVC wallet is up and running, you can proceed to the next step.

Step3 Gain your Masternode collateral

If you want to run the master node, you must prepare an unspent transaction output (UXTO) that is exactly equal to 10K UVC. In layman's terms, you have to buy 10,000 UVC from an exchange or market.Then transfer them to your wallet address and wait for at least 10 blocks to confirm. Assuming that you have completed the above work, we can proceed to the next step.

Step4 Config uvc.conf to enable masternode

the following items should be added to uvc.conf with associated value.
masternodeprivkey={your masternode's private key generated in Step5}
externalip={your VPS's external ip}

For example:

Step5 Generate a Masternode private key

Open the console window of your wallet and execute the following command:
masternode genkey

You will get a string like this: mecfta5QSoSSNEWCqeBG4gvRPc72ZMX5rM1Fh7nfNqkBLKMjWv, which is the private key of your Masternode. just fill this string in the corresponding location in uvc.conf file mentioned above.

Step6 Obtain Masternode Outputs

Just on the same place of mentioned in step5 and execute the follow command:
masternode outputs

Now you can get a string result which represents the outputs of a masternode collateral if you have already deposited enough funds to your wallet. which looks like this:

"txhash": "175cb1fdcc3e3c4c57fe4af864b92c6a4ccfeaeccc4188a90bf932a050d23604",
"outputidx": 0

Keep these two outputs in mind. If you deposite 10,000 UVC into your wallet multiple times, there may be multiple outputs here, each of which is valid.

Step7 Modify masternode.conf

Masternode config file Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index Example: mn1 93HaYBVUCYjEMeeH1Y4sBGLALQZE1Yc1K64xiqgX37tGBDQL8Xg 2bcd3c84c84f87eaa86e4e56834c92927a07f9e18718810b92e0d0324456a67c 0

Add a line with the follow format, remember to remove the leading #:
your master alias your vps external ip:10809 masternode privkey txhash outputidx

As a sample used above parameters:
MYMN mecfta5QSoSSNEWCqeBG4gvRPc72ZMX5rM1Fh7nfNqkBLKMjWv 175cb1fdcc3e3c4c57fe4af864b92c6a4ccfeaeccc4188a90bf932a050d23604 0

After doing above modifications be sure to save before exit from editor.

Step8 Restart wallet

Exit your wallet(if it's running) and restart it.
If you are not able to see the masternode tab shows on the main window of wallet, click on menu settings->options to open the options windows, then checked the option "show masternode tab" on tab "wallet", then restart wallet.

Step9 Start your masternode

Once you have completed above steps correctly, you are ready to run a masternode now.
On Masternode Tab, select any masternode from the list view then click on "start alias" button to start it. Enjoy your MN .


The steps shown above are for Windows wallet. If you have a Linux wallet, these commands can also be done with a program called uvc-cli. If you have any problems please contact us on our social media.