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Late Submissions

Barring exceptional circumstances, I will not accept your Final Projects after the due date. Belated log entries will negatively influence your final Log grade. Since log entries are intended to build upon each other, I recommend that you do not fall behind on the entries. Also, I will not comment on entries submitted after the due date.

The Final Roundtable can only occur during the final meeting of the semester.


Weekly attendance in graduate courses is expected. If you must be absent from a course for a serious reason, then you should contact me before the missed class and explain why you will not be in attendance. Cases of continuous, unexplained absence will result in a penalty to your grade or your ineligibility to complete the course. Attendance and active participation in discussions and workshops are part of fulfilling the course requirements. I will notify the Graduate Adviser if you have three or more unwarranted absences.


Laptops are welcome in the seminar. In fact, if you have one, then I recommend bringing it to each meeting. It will be especially useful during workshops.


No extensions will be given except in extreme—and verifiable—circumstances. These circumstances include reasons of health and extenuating circumstances such as death of a family member.

Learning Climate

The University of Victoria is committed to promoting, providing, and protecting a positive, supportive, and safe working and learning environment for all its members. Students and faculty members are expected to adhere to the UVic human rights policy. Students should alert me immediately if they have any questions about this policy and its application, or if they have concerns about course proceedings or participants.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to adhere to the [UVic academic integrity policy] ( Violations of this policy will result in a failing grade for the given assignment and may additionally result in a failing grade for the course. By taking this course, students agree that all submitted assignments may be subject to an originality review. I do not use software to detect plagiarism in essays or any other assignments.


Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. In particular, if you have a disability/health consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach me and/or the Resource Centre for Students with a Disability (RCSD) as soon as possible. RCSD staff is available by appointment to assess specific needs, provide referrals and arrange appropriate accommodations. The sooner you let us know your needs, the sooner we can assist you in achieving your learning goals in this course.


With the exception of holidays and weekends, I respond to student emails within 24 hours.