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Mock resources

Patrick Michaud edited this page Mar 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

For consistent development and testing, restclients uses a set of static files instead of making http calls. Web service clients and standalone modules can provide mock resources.

Mock resource paths consist of a base path, the service name, "file" and then a filesystem safe version of the requested url.

There are two ways to define where mock resources are in the file system. Paths can be registered by calling MockDAO.register_mock_path('/full/path/to/resources/'), and web service clients can provide paths by defining a service_mock_paths that returns a list of full paths.

Paths are searched in the order the were added via register_mock_path, and then in the web service client paths. For example, if I have this web service client dao:

from restclients_core.dao import DAO
class DemoDAO(DAO):
    def service_name(self):                                                     
        return 'demo'                                                            
    def service_mock_paths(self):
        return ['/home/demo_user/dev/demo_dao/resources']

and an application that runs this code during startup:

from restclients_core.dao import MockDAO

if DemoDAO().getURL("/v1/user") is called, the following paths will be searched until a file is found:

  1. /home/demo_user/dev/my_app/resources1/demo/file/v1/user
  2. /home/demo_user/dev/my_app/resources1/demo/file/v1/user/index.html
  3. /home/demo_user/dev/my_app/resources2/demo/file/v1/user
  4. /home/demo_user/dev/my_app/resources2/demo/file/v1/user/index.html
  5. /home/demo_user/dev/demo_dao/resources/demo/file/v1/user
  6. /home/demo_user/dev/demo_dao/resources/demo/file/v1/user/index.html

if no file is found, a 404 response is returned.

Additional control of the response object can be had by adding a .http-headers file. If, in the above example, a file was found at /home/demo_user/dev/my_app/resources2/demo/file/v1/user/index.html, restclients would look for a file named /home/demo_user/dev/my_app/resources2/demo/file/v1/user/index.html.http-headers. That file should be valid JSON, and can be in 1 of 2 formats.

Simple format - headers only

   "X-Demo-Header": "Custom server header"

Multi-valued - headers and status

    "headers": {
        "X-Demo-Header": "Custom server header"
    "status": 418
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