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This library is for ASP.NET applications (ASP.NET 3.1+) and Shibboleth authentication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Although the library is created using UW Shibboleth attributes, it can be overriden to utilize alternative attribute mappings for other systems.

For those still running .Net Framework, see the rel/2.0 branch for a library that uses IHttpModule to work with .Net Framework 4.6.2+ apps.


  • Handle MVC authentication in order to utilize features like the [Authorize] attribute
  • Set HttpContext.User to a ClaimsPrincipal populated with Shibboleth attributes
  • Shibboleth authentication itself is handled by IIS/Apache. This library merely consumes Shibboleth data after authentication has taken place.


  • ASP.NET 3.1+
  • IIS7+ (ISAPI or IIS7 Shibboleth DLL)
  • Apache (Front-end proxy for ASP.NET 3.1+)

This documentation does NOT cover Shibboleth setup for IIS/Apache. Please refer to UW-Madison documentation for that information.

How It Works

The library hooks into the Authentication middleware of the ASP.NET application, examines the headers/variables for evidence of a Shibboleth session, then creates a ClaimsPrincipal populated with Shibboleth attributes and authenticates the request. This is accomplished in a custom Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationHandler.


Starting with Shibboleth SP v3, using the iis7_shib.dll with the useVariables="true" in either the <ISAPI> or <Site> sections is the recommended method for running Shibboleth in IIS7+. Information about Shibboleth IIS installation can be found here. The library assumes that the entire website is protected by Shibboleth.

  1. Download and install the UW.AspNetCore.Authentication.Shibboleth package.

  2. Add the AddUWShibboleth() to the IAuthenticationBuilder in Program.cs (ASP.NET 6+) or Startup.cs (prior to ASP.NET 6).

    builder.Services.AddAuthentication(options =>
        options.DefaultScheme = ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;

That's it!! The HttpContext.User is populated with Shibboleth attributes.

Using Apache on Linux

Headers must be forwarded from the Apache Reverse Proxy into the ASP.NET app running on Kestrel. This is done using the RequestHeader declaration. You must manually define every header from Shibboleth that you wish to use in the ASP.NET app. ShibSessionIndex is required at a minimum, as that is what the library uses to determine if a Shibboleth session is in place.

	RequestHeader set isMemberOf %{isMemberOf}e
	RequestHeader set eppn %{eppn}e
	RequestHeader set sn %{sn}e
	RequestHeader set givenName %{givenName}e
	RequestHeader set mail %{mail}e
	RequestHeader set uid %{uid}e
	RequestHeader set wiscEduPVI %{wiscEduPVI}e
	RequestHeader set ShibSessionIndex %{ShibSessionIndex}e

You must also add UseForwardedHeaders to the Program.cs/Startup.cs file. See Microsoft documentation for more information

ShibbolethOptions Class

Inherits from AuthenticationSchemeOptions - those properties are not included below

Property Description
ClaimActions A collection of Shibboleth claim actions used to select values from the user data and create Claims.
CallbackPath The request path within the application's base path where the user-agent will be returned. The middleware will process this request when it arrives.
Events The object provided by the application to process events raised by the Shibboleth handler. The application may implement the interface fully, or it may create an instance of ShibbolethEventsand assign delegates only to the events it wants to process.
ReturnUrlParameter Gets or sets the name of the parameter used to convey the original location of the user before the challenge was triggered.
ShibbolethAttributes Gets or sets the IShibbolethAttributeCollection that contains all attributes to extract from the Shibboleth headers/variables
SignInScheme Gets or sets the authentication scheme corresponding to the middleware responsible for persisting user's identity after a successful authentication. This value typically corresponds to a cookie middleware registered in the Startup class. It is ignored if UseChallenge is false. When omitted, AuthenticationOptions.DefaultSignInScheme is used as a fallback value.
UseChallenge Gets or sets whether a challenge that is initiated should be processed. If false, will produce a 401 Status Code for challenge. This is typically left to false when Shibboleth protects an entire site. Set to true when mimicking an OAuth-style site.

Shibboleth Attributes

The library comes pre-loaded with all attribute names utilized in the UW-Madison Shibboleth implementation. This list can be viewed here.

By default, the following Shibboleth attributes are added as Claims to the HttpContext.User.Identity.

Shibboleth Attribute Claim Type UWShibbolethClaimsType Notes
givenName FIRSTNAME Not a default attribute, must be released by DoIT IAM per app
sn LASTNAME Not a default attribute, must be released by DoIT IAM per app
wiscEduPVI PVI
uid UID Changed to lowercase
eppn EPPN
mail MAIL Changed to lowercase. Not a default attribute, must be released by DoIT IAM per app
isMemberOf Group Split by semicolon (;) into individual claims for each group

Additional Shibboleth attributes can be added to the processing.

Please note: Any additional attributes must be explicitly released per-app by DoIT IAM

Customizing Available Attributes

If additional attributes are needed or other organizations wish to use this library and completely replace the default list of attributes, this can be done using the configureOptions.

Add Additional Attributes

// add additional attributes
builder.Services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultScheme = ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
}).AddUWShibboleth(options => {

Replace Attribute List

// replace the entire attribute list with a new list
builder.Services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultScheme = ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
}).AddUWShibboleth(options => {
    options.ShibbolethAttributes = new ShibbolethAttributeCollection(new List<string> {

Claim Types

Shibboleth attributes are mapped to Claims using one of the following: ClaimActions.MapAttribute, ClaimActions.MapCustomAttribute, and ClaimActions.MapCustomMultiValueAttribute within the ShibbolethOptions class. Examples:

//authentication with Shibboleth
builder.Services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultScheme = ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
    // define the options Action<> to add additional attribute to claim mappings
}).AddUWShibboleth(options =>
    // The examples below are to illustrate the use of ClaimActions
    // These specific examples do not need to be implemented,
    // as they are already done so by the default configuration.

    // straight value-to-claim mapping
    options.ClaimActions.MapAttribute(UWShibbolethClaimsType.FIRSTNAME, "givenName");
    options.ClaimActions.MapAttribute("", "sn");

    // value-to-claim mapping that requires additional processing
    options.ClaimActions.MapCustomAttribute(UWShibbolethClaimsType.UID, "uid", value =>
        return value.ToLower();

    // single value will be parsed to multiple claim values
    options.ClaimActions.MapCustomMultiValueAttribute(UWShibbolethClaimsType.Group, "isMemberOf", value =>
        return value.Split(';').ToList();



Please note: The AddDevAuthentication() method has been deprecated as of v7.0 of this library.

One of the challenges working with Shibboleth is how to mock the authentication during development. This library provides a way to hook into OnSelectingProcessor event in order to "fake" the user data that would normally be provided via Shibboleth headers/server variables. The manually supplied user data is then extracted and used as if it was taken from a typical Shibboleth session.

//authentication with Shibboleth
builder.Services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultScheme = ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
}).AddUWShibboleth(options =>
    // only hook into the events during development
    if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())
        // creating a new ShibbolethEvents object to send with options
        options.Events = new ShibbolethEvents
            // hook into the OnSelectingProcessor event
            // this event happens before the Shibboleth processor is chosen.
            // we will be supplying our own
            OnSelectingProcessor = ctx =>
                // supply the ShibbolethDevelopmentProcessor which fakes a Shibboleth session
                // and provides all Shibboleth attributes and their values
                var devAttributeCollection = new ShibbolethAttributeValueCollection() {
                        new ShibbolethAttributeValue("uid", "bbadger"),
                        new ShibbolethAttributeValue("givenName", "Bucky"),
                        new ShibbolethAttributeValue("sn", "Badger"),
                        new ShibbolethAttributeValue("mail", ""),
                        new ShibbolethAttributeValue("wiscEduPVI", "UW999A999"),
                        new ShibbolethAttributeValue("isMemberOf", ";")

                var devProcessor = new ShibbolethDevelopmentProcessor(devAttributeCollection);

                ctx.Processor = devProcessor;

                // this is an asynchronous event, so a task must be return unless an 
                // await is used
                return Task.CompletedTask;

Using with ASP.NET Identity

This library can be also used with the default implementation of ASP.NET Identity as an external provider for Shibboleth

More Information on Identity on ASP.NET


Setup Shibboleth to only protect an "unused" URL on the site. The default location is /signin-shibboleth. This can be overridden in the ShibbolethOptions.CallbackPath.

<!-- example site in shibboleth2.xml -->
<Host name="" applicationId="" redirectToSSL="443">
    <Path name="signin-shibboleth" requireSession="true"/>
// ASP.NET Identity setup
var connectionString = config.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
builder.Services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>

builder.Services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options =>
                                 options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)

// DefaultAuthentication and DefaultSignInScheme selected in the .AddDefaultIdentity
        authenticationScheme: ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme,
        displayName: "UW-Madison NetID",
        options =>
            options.UseChallenge = true;  // required to process the Shibboleth login
   .AddGoogle(options =>
       IConfigurationSection googleAuthNSection =
       options.ClientId = googleAuthNSection["ClientId"];
       options.ClientSecret = googleAuthNSection["ClientSecret"];

Use Cookie Authentication without ASP.NET Identity

The library can be paired with Cookie Authentication to provide an OAuth-type experience, but without the full-featured framework of ASP.NET Core Identity

PLEASE NOTE: This method is atypical. Examples when you might want to use this alternative method:

  • Site uses additional 3rd-party authentication providers (such as Google, Facebook, etc)
  • Developers wants to ASP.NET to control all aspects of authentication/authorization, instead of delegation to the underlying Shibboleth service in the operating system.


Setup Shibboleth to only protect an "unused" URL on the site. The default location is /signin-shibboleth. This can be overridden in the ShibbolethOptions.CallbackPath.

<!-- example site in shibboleth2.xml -->
<Host name="" applicationId="" redirectToSSL="443">
    <Path name="signin-shibboleth" requireSession="true"/>
builder.Services.AddAuthentication(options =>
        options.DefaultScheme = ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
        options.DefaultSignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
        authenticationScheme: ShibbolethDefaults.AuthenticationScheme,
        displayName: "UW-Madison NetID",
        options =>
            options.UseChallenge = true;  // required to process the Shibboleth login

            // default for this option is "/signin-shibboleth"
            // must match Path in shibboleth2.xml
            options.CallbackPath = new PathString("/shib"); 

There is a sample project available in the source solution to show how this works in its entirety.

  • SampleMVCCore .Net 6.0 app using the IAuthenticationBuilder extensions for both local development and Shibboleth production


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