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New rb:filter/2 to filter reports by date
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The function filter/2 expects a second parameter
Dates that can be used to return reports that
occurred between the provided dates.


Dec22 = {{2009,12,22},{0,0,0}}.
Dec24 = {{2009,12,24},{0,0,0}}.

rb:filter(Filters, {Dec22, from}).
%will return reports that occurred from Dec22.

rb:filter(Filters, {Dec22, to}).
%will return reports that occurred before Dec22.

rb:filter(Filters, {Dec22, Dec24}).
%will return reports that occurred between Dec22
% and  Dec24
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videlalvaro authored and bjorng committed Feb 14, 2010
1 parent e99ec8e commit 242c70e
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions lib/sasl/doc/src/rb.xml
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<name>filter(Filters, Dates)</name>
<fsummary>Filter reports and displays them on the screen</fsummary>
<v>Filters = [filter()]</v>
<v>filter() = {Key, Value} | {Key, Value, no} | {Key, RegExp, re} | {Key, RegExp, re, no}</v>
<v>Key = term()</v>
<v>Value = term()</v>
<v>RegExp = string() | {string, Options} | mp(), {mp(), Options}</v>
<v>Dates = {DateFrom, DateTo} | {DateFrom, from} | {DateTo, to}</v>
<v>DateFrom = DateTo = {date(), time()}</v>
<v>date() and time() are the same type as in the <c>calendar</c> module</v>
<p>This function displays the reports that match the provided filters.</p>
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If the filter is of the form <c>{Key, RegExp, re}</c> the report must contain an element with
<c>key = Key</c> and <c>Value</c> must match the RegExp regular expression.
If the Dates parameter is provided, then the reports are filtered according to the date
when they occurred. If Dates is of the form <c>{DateFrom, from}</c> then reports that occurred
after DateFrom are displayed.
If Dates is of the form <c>{DateTo, to}</c> then reports that occurred before DateTo
are displayed.
If two Dates are provided, then reports that occurred between those dates are returned.
If you only want to filter only by dates, then you can provide the empty list as the Filters
See <c>rb:grep/1</c> for more information on the RegExp parameter.
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126 changes: 100 additions & 26 deletions lib/sasl/src/rb.erl
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%% External exports
-export([start/0, start/1, stop/0, rescan/0, rescan/1]).
-export([list/0, list/1, show/0, show/1, grep/1, filter/1, start_log/1, stop_log/0]).
-export([list/0, list/1, show/0, show/1, grep/1, filter/1, filter/2, start_log/1, stop_log/0]).
-export([h/0, help/0]).

%% Internal exports
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ grep(RegExp) -> gen_server:call(rb_server, {grep, RegExp}, infinity).
filter(Filters) when is_list(Filters) ->
gen_server:call(rb_server, {filter, Filters}, infinity).

filter(Filters, FDates) when is_list(Filters) andalso is_tuple(FDates) ->
gen_server:call(rb_server, {filter, {Filters, FDates}}, infinity).

start_log(FileName) -> gen_server:call(rb_server, {start_log, FileName}).

stop_log() -> gen_server:call(rb_server, stop_log).
Expand All @@ -100,6 +103,10 @@ help() ->
io:format(" reports must be proplists.~n"),
io:format(" Filters is a list of tuples of the following form:~n"),
io:format("rb:filter(Filters, Dates) -~n"),
io:format(" same as rb:filter/1 but accepts date ranges to filter reports.~n"),
io:format(" Dates must be of the following form:~n"),
io:format("rb:rescan() - rescans the report directory with same~n"),
io:format(" options.~n"),
io:format("rb:rescan(Options) - rescans the report directory with new~n"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +160,15 @@ print_filters() ->
io:format(" - {Key, RegExp, re, no}~n"),
io:format(" excludes report containing {Key, RegExp}~n").

print_dates() ->
io:format(" - {StartDate, EndDate}~n"),
io:format(" StartDate = EndDate = {{Y-M-D},{H,M,S}} ~n"),
io:format(" prints the reports with date between StartDate and EndDate~n"),
io:format(" - {StartDate, from}~n"),
io:format(" prints the reports with date greater than StartDate~n"),
io:format(" - {EndDate, to}~n"),
io:format(" prints the reports with date lesser than StartDate~n").

init(Options) ->
process_flag(priority, low),
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,8 +234,13 @@ handle_call({grep, RegExp}, _From, State) ->
handle_call({filter, Filters}, _From, State) ->
#state{dir = Dir, data = Data, device = Device, abort = Abort, log = Log} = State,
NewDevice = filter_all_reports(Dir, Data, Filters, Device, Abort, Log),
{reply, ok, State#state{device = NewDevice}}.
try filter_all_reports(Dir, Data, Filters, Device, Abort, Log) of
NewDevice ->
{reply, ok, State#state{device = NewDevice}}
error:Error ->
{reply, {error, Error}, State}

terminate(_Reason, #state{device = Device}) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -706,31 +727,28 @@ filter_report(Dir, Data, Filters, Number, Device, Abort, Log) ->
filter_rep(Filters, Fd, FilePosition, Device, Abort, Log) ->
case read_rep_msg(Fd, FilePosition) of
{Date, Msg} ->
% io:format("Date: ~p Message: ~p~n", [Date, Msg]),
{_D, M} = Msg,
{_, _, M2} = M,
case M2 of
{_, _, Report} ->
case filter_report(Filters, Report) of
true ->
case catch rb_format_supp:print(Date, Msg, Device) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
handle_bad_form(Date, Msg, Device, Abort, Log);
_ ->
_ ->
{proceed, Device}
filter_rep({Filters, FDates}, Fd, FilePosition, Device, Abort, Log) ->
RepMsg = read_rep_msg(Fd, FilePosition),
case RepMsg of
{_DateStr, {Date, _Msg}} ->
case compare_dates(Date, FDates) of
true ->
print_filter_report(RepMsg, Filters, Device, Abort, Log);
_ ->
_ ->
io:format("rb: Cannot read from file~n"),
filter_rep(Filters, Fd, FilePosition, Device, Abort, Log) ->
RepMsg = read_rep_msg(Fd, FilePosition),
case RepMsg of
{Date, Msg} ->
print_filter_report({Date, Msg}, Filters, Device, Abort, Log);
_ ->
io:format("rb: Cannot read from file~n"),
filter_report([], _Msg) ->
Expand All @@ -754,8 +772,9 @@ filter_report([{Key, RegExp, re}|T], Msg) ->
undefined ->
Value ->
case re:run(Value, RegExp) of
{match, _} ->
Subject = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Value])),
case run_re(Subject, RegExp) of
match ->
filter_report(T, Msg);
_ -> false
Expand All @@ -765,12 +784,67 @@ filter_report([{Key, RegExp, re, no}|T], Msg) ->
undefined ->
Value ->
case re:run(Value, RegExp) of
{match, _} -> false;
Subject = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[Value])),
case run_re(Subject, RegExp) of
match -> false;
_ -> filter_report(T, Msg)
get_compare_dates(Date, CompareDate) ->
case application:get_env(sasl, utc_log) of
{ok, true} ->
_ ->
{Date, CompareDate}
get_compare_dates(Date, From, To) ->
case application:get_env(sasl, utc_log) of
{ok, true} ->
_ ->
{Date, From, To}
compare_dates(Date, {CompareDate, from}) ->
{Date2, DateFrom} = get_compare_dates(Date, CompareDate),
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Date2) >=
compare_dates(Date, {CompareDate, to}) ->
{Date2, DateTo} = get_compare_dates(Date, CompareDate),
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Date2) =<
compare_dates(Date, {From, To}) ->
{Date2, DateFrom, DateTo} = get_compare_dates(Date, From, To),
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Date2) >=
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Date2) =<
print_filter_report({Date, Msg}, Filters, Device, Abort, Log) ->
{_D, M} = Msg,
{_, _, M2} = M,
case M2 of
{_, _, Report} ->
case filter_report(Filters, Report) of
true ->
case catch rb_format_supp:print(Date, Msg, Device) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
handle_bad_form(Date, Msg, Device, Abort, Log);
_ ->
_ ->
{proceed, Device}
_ ->
read_rep(Fd, FilePosition, Device, Abort, Log) ->
case read_rep_msg(Fd, FilePosition) of
{Date, Msg} ->
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