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Henri Rebecq edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 6 revisions

NOTE: Please read this guide if you have to use ROS Melodic.

We recommend to create a new catkin workspace specifically for the simulator as follows:

mkdir -p ~/sim_ws/src && cd ~/sim_ws
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/kinetic --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Install vcstools if you do not have it already:

sudo apt-get install python-vcstool

Clone this repository and run vcstools:

cd src/
git clone
vcs-import < rpg_esim/dependencies.yaml

Install pcl_ros:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pcl-ros

Install glfw:

sudo apt-get install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev

Install glm:

sudo apt-get install libglm-dev

Optionally install the trajectory server:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-hector-trajectory-server

Disable the packages that are not needed:

cd ze_oss
touch imp_3rdparty_cuda_toolkit/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_app_pangolin_example/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_benchmark_aligned_allocator/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_bridge_pangolin/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_cu_core/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_cu_correspondence/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_cu_imgproc/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_ros_rof_denoising/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      imp_tools_cmd/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      ze_data_provider/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      ze_geometry/CATKIN_IGNORE \
      ze_imu/CATKIN_IGNORE \

Build the event_camera_simulator node:

catkin build esim_ros

Make an alias for your workspace so you can source it easily next time.

printf "#!/bin/bash\n\nsource ~/sim_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/
chmod +x ~/

In your .bashrc file, add the following line:

alias ssim='source ~/'

From now on, typing ssim in a terminal will initialize the simulator workspace (you need to run bash first if you want to try this right after editing the .bashrc file.