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Incubator Paginator for Flow

Incubator Paginator for Flow is a UI component add-on for Vaadin 10.

Live Demo ↗

Screenshot of incubator-paginator

Screenshot of incubator-paginator

What does the component do?

Paginator is a Web Component providing an easy way to display a full functioning paginator on a webpage.

How is it used?

A simple use of the paginator component would be the following.

// 10 pages, current page 1
Paginator paginator = new Paginator(10, 1, "beginning", "end");

paginator.addChangeSelectedPageListener(event -> {
    h3.setText("Page: " + event.getPage());

With a grid

The content of the grid can be displayed in a paginated way using the paginator. This requires some basic configuration of the grid and the paginator.

Grid<Person> grid = new Grid<>();


List<Person> people = generatePeople(100);

Paginator gridPaginator = new Paginator();

int numberItems = people.size();
int itemsPerPage = 10;
int numberPages = numberItems / itemsPerPage;


gridPaginator.addChangeSelectedPageListener(event -> {


How to run the demo?

The Demo can be run going to the project incubator-paginator-flow-vaadincom-demo and executing the maven goal:

mvn jetty:run

License & Author

This Add-on is distributed under Commercial Vaadin Add-on License version 3 (CVALv3). For license terms, see LICENSE.txt.

Incubator Paginator is written by Vaadin Ltd.

Setting up for development:

Clone the project in GitHub (or fork it if you plan on contributing)

git clone

To build and install the project into the local repository run

mvn install -DskipITs

in the root directory. -DskipITs will skip the integration tests, which require a TestBench license. If you want to run all tests as part of the build, run

mvn install