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A demo project for a computation graph implementation in C++.


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Naive Computation Graph.

This project is the school project Computation Graph of the course Object-Oriented Programming at Tsinghua University.

Implemented Features

  • Tensor (Max Dimension = 15).
  • Basic tensor operations: unary arithmetic, binary arithmatic, matrix multiplication, reshaping and broadcasting, slicing, indexing, reducing (min, max, sum, mean).
  • Reshaping, broadcasting and slicing are implemtented using the stride trick. No actual data copy needed. Tensor are made contiguous only when necessary.
  • Most operations supports non-contiguous input (e.g., except matmul, for performance perpose). Many operations (e.g., arithmatic operations) are optimized when the input view is contiguous.
  • Complete (and dynamic) data type support.
  • Computation graph.
  • Session for storing shared tensors (i.e., variables in Tensorflow or Parameters/Buffers in PyTorch).
  • Assign Op for updating variables.
  • Gradient for all operations are implemented.
  • Second-order gradient is supported.
  • Graph operations allow dynamic shapes. E.g., G::reshape(x, G::shape_cat({x.shape(0), -1})). Note that x.shape(0) returns a graph tensor (an int64-typed scalar).
  • Complete MNIST example.

MNIST Example

构建了一个两层的神经网络: Flatten input: (batch_size, 784) -> Hidden layer (batch_size, 512) -> Logits (batch_size, 10). 网络使用Tanh激活。SGD learning rate = 0.01。网络初始化用Normal(0, 0.01)初始化Weights,全0初始化Bias。


    MLPModel(std::mt19937 &rng) : rng(rng) {
        image = G::placeholder("image", {100, 784}, DTypeName::Float32);
        label = G::placeholder("label", {100}, DTypeName::Int64);
        linear1 = G::linear("linear1", image, 512, rng);
        activation1 = G::tanh(linear1);
        logits = G::linear("linear2", activation1, 10, rng);
        pred = logits.max(-1)[1];

        prob = G::softmax(logits, -1);
        loss = G::xent_sparse(prob, label, -1).mean(0);
        accuracy = (pred.eq(label)).float32().mean(0);

Linear Layer初始化

GTensorPtr linear(std::string name, GTensorPtr x, ssize_t output_dim, std::mt19937 &rng, double stddev) {
    auto W = variable(name + ":W", ::ncg::rand_normal(rng, x->desc().dtype(), {x->desc().shape(1), output_dim}, 0, stddev));
    auto b = variable(name + ":b", ::ncg::zeros(x->desc().dtype(), {output_dim}));
    return matmul(x, W) + b.unsqueeze(0);


    GTensorVec train_ops(float lr=0.01) {
        GTensorVec ops;
        auto &graph = get_default_graph();

        for (const auto &name : {"linear1:W", "linear2:W", "linear1:b", "linear2:b"}) {
            auto W = graph.find_op(name)->outputs()[0];
            auto G = W->grad(loss);
            auto new_W = W - G * lr;
            ops.push_back(G::assign(W, new_W));

        return ops;


Stage 1

cd examples/stage1
./ <example_id>

Alternative using Makefile:

cd examples/stage1
./main < data/<example_id>.txt

Stage 2

cd examples/stage2
./main < data/<example_id>.txt

Newton Method

cd examples/newton_method
./main < in.txt


cd examples/mnist

Tutorial Examples

建议阅读顺序(除了stage1的代码需要指定example id,其他所有示例直接运行./run.sh即可观察结果):

  1. examples/1_test_dtype 理解数据类型(data type系统)。
  2. examples/2_test_tensor 理解Tensor类型,包括定义,shape,取值。
  3. examples/2_test_tensor_pickle 理解数据持久化(Pickle,Unpickle)。
  4. examples/3_test_op_arith 理解Op系统,学会创建一个Op(OpAdd),进行运算。
  5. examples/3_test_op_shape 深入理解Shape, Axes,学习Reshape,Permute, Expand操作。
  6. examples/3_test_op_slice 理解Slice操作,包括Narrow(即Python Slice),IndexSelect和Gather。
  7. examples/3_test_op_reduce 理解各种reduce操作,比如reduce_sum
  8. examples/4_test_graph_arith 理解Graph系统,学会用G::op_name创建Op,用GraphForwardContext进行Eval。
  9. examples/4_test_graph_matrix 理解Graph系统,进行矩阵运算。
  10. examples/stage1/print_op.h, examples/stage1/cond_op.h,定义自己的Op。



core/ 包含基础定义文件(core.h datatype.h), tensor的实现(tensor.h,, op基础(op.h,
ops/ 包含基本op,目前只有基础算数运算(e.g., +, -, *, /)
graph/ 包含图定义相关。包括图op基础(op.h/cc, tensor.h/cc), 拓扑排序相关(graph.h,, 和图op(graph/ops/)。


  1. Tensor是存放数据的基本单位。
  2. TensorDesc定义了Tensor的shape(标量是0维,shape={}, 向量是1维,shape={n},矩阵是2维,shape={n, m})。
  3. TensorStorage存放数据。
  4. 使用时直接使用TensorPtr=std::shared_ptr<Tensor>
  5. 获取数据使用tensor_ptr->as<DTypeName::Float32>()->data_ptr() (返回const float *)或者tensor_ptr->as<DTypeName::Float32>()->mutable_data_ptr() (返回float *)。
  6. 可以使用tensor(DTypeName::Float32, {})创建空tensor,第二个参数是shape。可以使用scalar(DTypeName::Float32, 1.0)创建数值内容为1.0,数据类型为float32的标量tensor。


  1. Op是关于Tensor的操作,使用时需要重载两个函数check_inputscompute
  2. check_inputs(OpContext &ctx, const TensorVec &inputs)检查用户输入的tensors,TensorVec=std::vector<TensorPtr>
  3. TensorVec compute(OpContext &ctx, const TensorVec &inputs)返回计算结果。
  4. Op所有的运算都是真实的基于数据的运算,和计算图无关。


  1. GraphTensor是定义计算图使用的Tensor类型(类比Tensor)。只有Shape和数据类型信息,没有实际数据。
  2. GraphOp是定义计算图使用的Op类型,需要调用实际的Op才能进行运算。

Officially Supported Ops

// Defined in graph/tensor.h

// elemwise::misc
GTensorPtr cast(TensorPtr a, DTypeName dtype);
GTensorPtr cond(TensorPtr a, TensorPtr b, TensorPtr c);

// elemwise::unary
GTensorPtr neg(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr sin(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr cos(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr tan(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr log(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr exp(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr tanh(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr sigmoid(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr reciprocal(GTensorPtr a);

GTensorPtr add(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr sub(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr mul(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr div(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr ge(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr le(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr geq(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr leq(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr eq(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr neq(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr pow(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr min(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr max(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);

// netsrc
GTensorPtr placeholder(std::string name, const ShapeVec &shape, DTypeName dtype=DTypeName::Float32);
GTensorPtr constant(TensorPtr value);
GTensorPtr variable(std::string name, TensorPtr init_value);
GTensorPtr zeros(const ShapeVec &shape, DTypeName dtype=DTypeName::Float32);
GTensorPtr ones(const ShapeVec &shape, DTypeName dtype=DTypeName::Float32);

// linalg
GTensorPtr matmul(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b, bool transpose_a=false, bool transpose_b=false);

// update
GTensorPtr assign(GTensorPtr a, GTensorPtr b);

// reduce
GTensorVec reduce_min(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, bool keepdims=false);
GTensorVec reduce_max(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, bool keepdims=false);
GTensorPtr reduce_sum(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, bool keepdims=false);
GTensorPtr reduce_mean(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, bool keepdims=false);

// shape
GTensorPtr reshape(GTensorPtr a, const ShapeVec &shape);
GTensorPtr permute(GTensorPtr a, const ShapeVec &axes);
GTensorPtr expand(GTensorPtr a, const ShapeVec &shape);
GTensorPtr squeeze(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis);
GTensorPtr unsqueeze(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis);

// shape
GTensorPtr shape_of(GTensorPtr a);
GTensorPtr shape_of(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis);
GTensorPtr shape_cat(const GTensorVec &a);

// slice
GTensorPtr concat(const GTensorVec &a, ssize_t axis);
GTensorVec split(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, const ShapeVec &splits);
GTensorPtr narrow(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, ssize_t start, ssize_t length);
GTensorPtr index_select(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, GTensorPtr b);
GTensorPtr gather(GTensorPtr a, ssize_t axis, GTensorPtr b);


A demo project for a computation graph implementation in C++.







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