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YAFOLPS (Yet Another First-Order Logic Problem Solver)

Semester project on mathematical logic of the fourth semester of Software Engineering, Department of System Programming, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, St. Petersburg State University.


We must determine whether the input formula in First-Order Logic is a tautology or not. For this to be done, we have implemented the resolution method.

EBNF (Extended Backus–Naur form)

<Forall> ::= "!"
<Exists> ::= "?"
<LogicAnd> ::= "&"
<LogicOr> ::= "|"
<LogicNegation> ::= "-"
<LogicImplication> ::= ">"
<Top> ::= "^"
<Bottom> ::= "_"

<Char> ::= [a-z] | [A-Z] | [0-9] | "_"
<Var> ::= [A-Z] (<Char>)*
<Term> ::= <Var> | [a-z] (<Char>)* "(" ((<Term> ",")* <Term>) ")"

<Quantifier> ::= <Forall> | <Exists>
<LogicOperation> ::= <LogicAnd> | <LogicOr> | <LogicImplication>

<PredicateSymbol> ::= [a-z] (<Char>)* "(" ((<Term> ",")* <Term>) ")"

<Singleton> ::= <Top> | <Bottom> | <PredicateSymbol>
<Formula> ::= <Singleton> | "(" <Formula> ")"
  | <Formula> <LogicOperation> <Formula> 
  | <Quantifier> <Var> "(" <Formula> ")" 


stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe <args>


  • --input-file filename / --i filename -- Reads a formula from a file. Without specifying this option reads a formula from standard input.
  • --print-formula / -f -- Prints the formula that have been read.
  • --print-ast / -a -- Prints the AST of the formula.
  • --print-ssf / -s -- Prints the SSF of the negated formula.
  • --print-solution / -r -- Prints "VALID" if is the formula is a tautology, otherwise prints "NOT VALID".


  • stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe --i examples/1.txt -fas -- Prints formula, AST and SSF
  • stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe --i examples/1.txt -r -- Prints "NOT VALID"
  • stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe --i examples/2.txt -r -- Prints "NOT VALID"
  • stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe --i examples/3.txt -r -- Prints "NOT VALID"
  • stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe --i examples/4.txt -r -- Prints "VALID"
  • stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe --i examples/Top.txt -r -- Prints "VALID"
  • stack build && stack exec -- YAFOLPS-exe --i examples/Bottom.txt -r -- Prints "VALID"


  • stack test -- Prints results on the Hilbert's axioms

Test results