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Grails Jenjir plugin - interacts with jenkins, trigger builds/view historical build logs via grails app using httpbuilder with live output returned via websockets. Stop running build / cancel future schedules. Generate multiple calls to different/same jenkins server and watch multiple outputs. Summary details can be sent to Jira tickets



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jenjir (Jenkins -> Jira) Grails plugin

Grails Jenjir plugin, will interact with Jenkins front end html interface using HTTPBuilder and push summary information to Jira if configured.

You can use websocket feature to watch live builds / view historical build information or trigger a background process that will do the build. So long as userID is provided and Jenkins has authentication enabled, it will attempt to log in as that user without a password (by grabbing token off of Jenkins) This in short means you now have visibility of who triggered a build via Jenkins.

Hooks/Triggers can be put in place to do two additional tasks.

After build trigger known as processurl or if via websocket wsprocessurl

After build summary - which with correct Jira details it will push this summary to all defined tickets within the changelog.

Dependency (Grails 2.X), in your conf/BuildConfig.groovy under plugins add :
	compile ":jenjir:0.11"

codebase for grails 2.X

Dependency (Grails 3.X), in your build.gradle under plugins add :
	compile "org.grails.plugins:jenjir:3.0.2"
Plugin will work with tomcat 7.0.54 + (inc. 8) running java 1.7+


Jenjir Part 1 : Older look

Jenjir Part 2 : Update showing multiple builds, basic grails build in Jenkins

Jenjir Part 3 : Update showing Jenkins authentication

Jenjir Part 4 : Non token authentication, custom Parameters

Jenjir part 5 : Automated build/deploy via jssh websockets async non websocket build

Jenjir part 6 : Automated summary to Jira - From Jenkins change log to Jira ticket(s)

Jenjir Test website testjenkins Grails 2X - used in videos Jenjir Test website testjenkins Grails 3X


once plugin dependency added to BuildConfig, refreshed dependencies upon run-appp, you will be able to access this plugin via this url:


This will load in the default index page which asks a few questions in order for you to interact with the given jenkins server/job. This can either be re-used or just make a direct connection using <jen:connect within your gsp.

The plugin adds the following functionality to your existing grails application:

lists current build history items on right hand side

The build history info is sent via WebSockets. If you click an item the Jenkins console logs will be displayed. It displays status of job whether it passed/failed/cancelled/building or queued. If building it will additionally show running time and estimated time according to Jenkins, this was initially achieved by parsing page over and over, now moved locally as a JavaScript that works out difference of estimated time according to jobid/api/json estimateTime value set per Jenkins job. You can click stop to send a stop to backend Jenkins which will stop the build. Scheduled future builds will appeared as queued and you can also cancel them.


This triggers a build and attempts to parse the live Jenkins console output, since it is building the results on Jenkins by default are returned using Ajax. The plugin attempts to do a similar thing but using WebSockets, it grab ready chunks of log output and display back on your page.

How to use

Quick Connect

Connection details

Example : Using taglib to make multiple calls to jenkins:

Controller: ExampleController.groovy:

	def build() {
		def goahead=params.goahead

GSP Page for build.gsp

	<input type="hidden" name="goahead" value="yes">
	<input type="submit" value="Build Jenkins job">

<g:if test="${goahead.equals('yes') }">
	<jen:connect divId="firstId" jenserver="localhost" jensport="9090" jensuser="" jenspass=""
	jensjob="my_build" jensprefix="" jensfolder="job" jenschoice="build" hideButtons="no" hideBuildTimer="no" />

	<jen:connect divId="secondId" jenserver="localhost" jensport="9090" jensuser="" jenspass=""
	jensjob="my_build2" jensprefix="" jensfolder="job" jenschoice="build" hideButtons="no" hideBuildTimer="no"/>

So we have a button that asks to trigger build - if when clicked - its a self posting form that sets goahead=yes

Then on the same page if this valus equals yes to call taglibs: results below:

Output from dual builds

Output from jenjir 0.2 all buttons

Config.groovy variables required:

Please refer to configuration, this is all of below without comments

Configure properties by adding following to grails-app/conf/Config.groovy under the "jenkins" key:

* This is the most important configuration
* in my current version the hostname is being defined by tomcat start up
* In my tomcat I have
* HOSTNAME = $(hostname)
* Now as per below the hostname is getting set to this value
* if not defined wschat will default it localhost:8080
jenkins.wshostname = System.getProperty('SERVERURL')+":8080"
// can be overridden via tag lib :  wshostname="something"

/* timeout
* This is the default timeout value for websocket connection
* If you wish to get user to be timed out if inactive set this to a millisecond value
jenkins.timeout = 0

* HTTP Builder socket/connection timeouts by default values are as below

* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults
* Jenkins hide Login Pag: default  'no'
* choices : no/yes
* Choose if default index page from plugin can be loaded
jenkins.hideLoginPage = 'no'

* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults
* Jenkins internal consoleLog : default  '/consoleFull'
jenkins.consoleLog = '/consoleFull'
// can be overridden via tag lib by definining: jensLog="something"

* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults
* Jenkins internal buildend : default  '/build?delay=0sec'
jenkins.buildend = '/build?delay=0sec'
// can be overridden via tag lib : jensbuildend="something"

* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults
* Jenkins internal progressiveuri : default  '/logText/progressiveHtml'
jenkins.progressiveuri = '/logText/progressiveHtml'
// can be overridden via tag lib : jensprogressive="something"

* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults
* Jenkins hide build/dashboard buttons : default  'no'
* choices : no/yes

jenkins.hideButtons = 'no'

* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults
* Jenkins hide build button : default  'no'
* choices : no/yes
jenkins.hideTriggerButton = 'no'

* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults
* Jenkins hide dashboard/buildhistory button : default  'no'
* choices : no/yes
jenkins.hideDashBoardButton = 'no'

* Optional : your own custom processing url for when builds are triggered
* provide a full url back to a controll action so that when it completes a build
* notification is sent to controller and you can then call  further services on output
jenkins.processurl = "http://localhost:8080/testjenkins/test/parseJenPlugin"

* Optional : your own custom processing url for when builds are triggered
* provide a full url back to a controll action so that when it completes an extra 
* action button is provided
* the process url could in theory call another end point to lets say jssh and do a live deployment
jenkins.wsprocessname = "Deploy"
jenkins.wsprocessurl = "http://localhost:8080/testjenkins/test/parseJenPluginDeploy"

// Auto submit wsprocess url ?
jenkins.autosubmit = "yes"

// Enhanced option for secondary action 
// If this is set as true it will only attempt to call 
// processurl/wsprocess url triggers if result was successfull
jenkins.process.on.success = true

/* 0.3 feature 
* if app has wsprocessurl additional button to buildOnly appears 
* which can be disabled if this is set to no
*/ = "yes"

// If once built you wish to send summary enable this as true
jenkins.sendSummary = true

// This must also be set to yes to show summary and send it once built. 
jenkins.showsummary = "yes"

* Jira configuration - refer to summary section below:
*  Don't enable any of this if you are not looking to push anything to Jira.
jenkins.sendtoJira = 'yes'

jenkins.jiraServer = ''
jenkins.jiraUser = 'automation_account'
jenkins.jiraPass = 'automation_account_password'

* This is the url usually to access the ticket for viewing - used to test if ticket is valid
* if not defined will default to /browse/
jenkins.jira.AccessUri = "/browse/"

 * There are various send types :
 * comment -- adds the summary output as a comment to valid jira ticket 
 * customfield -- adds the summary output to provided customfield ID - please note customfield must have correct screen perms for it to work
 * updatecustomfield -- gets current input if different to new input adds them together to customfield
 * description -- updates ticket description with the summary
 * comdesc -- updates ticket description and adds a comment both containing the summary
jenkins.jiraSendType = 'customfield' 
// If you have defined working option customfield then define the customfield id for this configuration item:
jenkins.customField = '12330' // the id of your customfield

* API Api Info - send this as part of summary?
jenkins.sendApi = true  // true/false - by default false
// SendApi - sub fields:
/* API ChangeSet - send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.sendChangeSet = true  // true/false - by default false
/*API culprits - send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.sendCulprits = true  // true/false - by default false
/*API full display name - send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.sendFdn = true  // true/false - by default false
/*API Build Id - send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.sendBuildId = true  // true/false - by default false
/*API Build UserID/Name - send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.sendBuildUser = true  // true/false - by default false

* Jenkins BuildID Change Logs - send this as part of summary?
jenkins.sendChanges = true  // true/false - by default false

* Jenkins BuildID Specific parse Info - send this as part of summary?
jenkins.sendParseConsole = true  // true/false - by default false
/*LogParser Look for Building Work space ? send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.parseBuildingWorkSpace = true  // true/false - by default false
/*LogParser Look for Building ? send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.parseBuilding = true  // true/false - by default false
/*LogParser Look for Done Creating? send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.parseDoneCreating = true  // true/false - by default false
/*LogParser Look for Last valid trans ? send this as part of summary?*/
jenkins.parseLastTrans = true  // true/false - by default false

/* Buttons on websocket page :
* set these as you see here change to no if you wish 
* not for them to appear on the webpage.
* you can override these values from within either taglib call too
jenkins.summaryViewButtons = "yes"
jenkins.summaryFileButton = "yes"
jenkins.summaryChangesButton = "yes"

jenkins.jiraButtons = "yes"
jenkins.jiraOverwriteButton = "yes"
jenkins.jiraAppendButton = "yes"
jenkins.jiraCommentButton = "yes"

* formType can be defined as taglib (overrides Config.groovy )
* defines the wsprocessurl form type (either normal which takes over page or remote which updates divId)
* if remote it will create new element ID called return_${divId} what ever you defined divId to be 
* so if multi call - on each call a return_ element is created
jenkins.formType = "normal" // either normal or remote

// If you define formType = "remote" you will also need two more config or tag lib calls:
// Both of these should actually be part of above wsprocess url 
jenkins.remoteController= 'Your controller that is being called'
jenkins.remoteAction = 'Your action' 

When submitted, the controller has been set to recieve parameters and call a tag lib which can also be used by you guys to call a jenkins build on the fly from within your gsp.

jenserver="${jenserver }"


Optional override taglibs: (Refer to above Config.groovy to understand what these are:)

hideButtons="${hideButtons }"
hideTriggerButton="${hideTriggerButton }"
hideDashBoardButton="${hideDashBoardButton }"
dynamicParams = "['deployType':['background', 'live']]"
customParams="[appId: '123', appName: 'crazyApp', appEnv: 'test' ]"
wsprocessname="Deploy code"

// Buttons
summaryViewButtons = "yes"
summaryFileButton = "yes"
summaryChangesButton = "yes"

jiraButtons = "yes"
jiraOverwriteButton = "yes"
jiraAppendButton = "yes"
jiraCommentButton = "yes"
// if you have wsprocess url - 2 buttons would appear 
buildOnlyButton = "yes"

formType = "normal" // normal or remote
// if remote define these:
remoteController = 'Your controller that is being called'
remoteAction = 'Your action' 

customParams - if you have configured a processurl in your config you can pass values back

Results are typically returned to process url like this:

[files:{"type":"WAR","name":"target/testmodaldynamix-0.1.war"},result:SUCCESS, token:9cf496bb07021a1d788f8838159291cf, buildUrl:http://localhost:9090/job/my_build/175, customParams:{appId=123, appName=crazyApp, appEnv=test}, buildId:175, job:/job/my_build, server:http://localhost:9090, user:cc, action:parseJenPlugin, format:null, controller:test]
Refer further down on information on how to retrieve customParams

So long as you provide the above values from within a gsp page it should load in the results back on the page.

You should be able to call it multiple times and provide different divId's for each call - to get multiple builds on one gsp page.

Tested on recent/older variants of Jenkins. May still fail on others, please post an issue with specific Jenkins version for me to look into.

Alternative more direct connect tag lib call:


Optional - if you have configured a processurl in your config you can pass values back All optional above should work

wsprocessname="Deploy code"
customParams="[appId: '123', appName: 'crazyApp', appEnv: 'test' ]"

Summary information:

There is a new option called summary that appears next to the build ID's this Summary tries to grab information from 3 segments of Jenkins and if configured will push this information to a customfield on Jira.

It queries:

The build Logs and tries to grab working folder, produced file and a line called last trans if it exists. Change screen - grabs all related build changes to be pushed through Api summary - a variety of information from the api output.

The most important aspect of this is that within the changes logs, it looks for a ticket ID either seperated by : or -


AB-1102 : Description  

or :

AB-1102 - Description

Where AB-1102 will be the ticket number, this will then update this jira ticket with the summary provided

Jira ticket number

Refer to above configuration items for the required jenkins configuration in your config.groovy.

It will parse through the changes logs, and for each ticket found - it will attempt to push the response to all tickets.

For the summary information to work properly I found I had to add two blank configuration items to my config.groovy:



These could actually be filled with a value, its just if not defined it returns some groovy object

####Async Build (Non Websocket) This will trigger a service that does a background build, whilst building it will check for completion, once completed it will trigger process url and send back results to it.


	customParams="[appId:'MyCurrentJob', appDetails: 'Something']"

The processurl - is a background process that has no interaction with your front end view, runs in the background. When a job completes it returns its status plus a variety of other parameters to the given url.

The wsprocessurl - is a url which wsprocessname is the display name for the link within your websocket connected page. Once the job is completed a button is provided on the same websocket page to trigger the next controller/action which could in short be another taglib call that calls yet another websocket to process something else. You can enable both processurl and wsprocessurl - they could be doing different things if needs be. It would not be a good idea to call the same controller/action since it will then lead to duplicated actions.

Authenticated Jenkins howto:

Once you have configured global security of some form on your Jenkins server. Authentication should work via Jenkins so long as you either provide just the username to the initial form, or via the taglib call.

The plugin will attempt to grab the user authToken from the given server, if it can successfully retrieve this without authentication then the userToken is automatically set.

So by simply providing a valid username, the plugin will try do the rest and authenticate as the given user. With this you can easily gain a better overview of who is trigerring the build on Jenkins backend.

Whilst building if the current user has got authenticated then the user will appear above build logs otherwise current user will show anonymous.

To manually define authToken per user(known as jenspass)

First thing first, you need to enable authentication on Jenkins, our systems uses AD plugin and connects a user through to AD. Once a user has logged in then goto:

  1. Your Jenkins server:


Click on show API Token (This is an example token) 9a997cc1a954ac3a5ac59ea97c17a851

With this information now login using the front end using the username and the token as the password - this now triggers builds as the user.

customParams Retrieval

This is our example parseJenplugin call, the results are actually in JSON format, so as per what fed in in above example. I am now extracting each value on processurl:

def parseJenPlugin() { 
		println ":::> ${params} <:::"
		// This is an example itterating through files:
		// files:{"type":"WAR","name":"target/testmodaldynamix-0.1.war"}
		// where key will be type or name
		// value will by type of file and file name as per jenkins output in the build logs.
		// you may wish to set :
		//jenkins.parseBuilding = false
		// in config.groovy so that Building files also do not appear in :
		//jenkins.parseDoneCreating = true

		if (params.files) {
			JSONObject files1=JSON.parse(params.files)
			files1.each { k,v->
				println "-- FILE_TYPE: $k ||| FILE_NAME: $v"
		def pp=params.customParams
		def apps
		if (pp) {
			def data = JSON.parse(params.customParams)
			def appId=data?.appId
			def appName=data?.appName
			def appEnv=data?.appEnv
			println "--- Our Custom values passed from initial taglib call are:"
			println " AppID: $appId | AppName: $appName | AppEnv: $appEnv"
			 *    <jen:connect divId="firstId" 
					customParams="[appId: '123', appName: 'crazyApp', appEnv: 'test' ]"
					which has produced:
					:::>[files:{"type":"WAR","name":"target/testmodaldynamix-0.1.war"},result:SUCCESS, token:9cf496bb07021a1d788f8838159291cf, buildUrl:http://localhost:9090/job/my_build/182, customParams:{appId=123, appName=crazyApp, appEnv=test}, buildId:182, job:/job/my_build, server:http://localhost:9090, user:cc, action:parseJenPlugin, format:null, controller:test] <:::
--- Our Custom values passed from initial taglib call are:
 AppID: 123 | AppName: crazyApp | AppEnv: test

		render ""

Jenjir Change information:

0.10-SNAPSHOT - Environment Issue if attempting to run as a plugin within development project

0.10 - 	Issues with gsp javascript - variables not bound to dynamic call - issue with previous size - 
		now defaulted to first array value for any amount of input. Since initial value may not be default action
0.9	-	Minor issues - config options in endpoint set to default to '' if not set - was returning object before.
		Check to see if dynamicValues size = 1 if so then set this to be the default value via websockets on _process.gsp
0.8 - 	Minor bugs : if jira front end buttons disabled -small tag was left open making list smaller and smaller - fixed.
		Newly introduced successProcess in jenService required bid as String from the local call - causing issues doing next phase action
		Newly added Additional function button appeared on all passed jobs - only first requires this value. - fixed
0.7	-	Bug in appendCustomField + customField functions fixed. New button added labelled as wsprocessname Value. This gives addtional functionality 
		to first in list - or last Build ID - if it built successfully a trigger to trigger secondary action is now available.
		If a build is triggered this icon disappears since the workspace is likely to no longer include last built file.
0.6	-	DynamicParams added as an additional input to <jen:connect <jen:dirconnect
		This is defined by a key followed by values  
		dynamicParams = "['deployType':['background', 'live']]"
		With this set a select box is created on frontend which when user selects defined option the value is passed back to 
		processurl or wsprocessurl after build is completed 
		This is now allowing dynamic value selection alongside the build/deploy task
0.5 - 	Hoping this be the last update for a while the remoteForm functionality would have only worked on autoSubmit=yes
		This has now been corrected so remoteForms will work on autosubmit true or not.
0.4 - 	remote form submission feature enabled meaning on multi build tasks with multi element all results should be 
		returned/triggered on the same page that did the call. Refer to configuration items for remoteform options (formType)
0.3 - 	Cleanup of config calls within services. Addition just Build button added if end app has processurl name/action defined.
		Better logics around displaying wsprocessname with Build button.
0.2 - 	Tidy up - moved getlastBuild as lastBuild into jenService - removed duplicate calls. 
		Fixed wsprocess/process urls to both include files produced json as output params
		Added socket/http connection timeouts to HTTPBuilder calls.
0.1 - release

Jenjir Issues/Bugs:

1. Prefix jenkins servers.

If you have a server with a prefix then you will find the quick connect method will not work for you, you need to use the manaully full detail connection method since the prefix is required for the url and uri.


Grails Jenjir plugin - interacts with jenkins, trigger builds/view historical build logs via grails app using httpbuilder with live output returned via websockets. Stop running build / cancel future schedules. Generate multiple calls to different/same jenkins server and watch multiple outputs. Summary details can be sent to Jira tickets







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