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Creating this repo for few of my colleague for just a quick start with angular JS

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Code is read much more often than it is written.

- Jonh papa and pretty much any programmer worth their salt

Project structure

We follow a sensible and low-maintenance project structure, wherein:

  • all html files (templates, modal window) go into the www/templates/ and www/partials/ directory.
  • all source files (Sass, JS) and assets (images, fonts, media files), go into the src/ directory.
  • all 3rd-party front-end dependencies ("vendor" files) go into the bower_components/ directory.
  • all development dependencies (npm packages) go into the node_modules directory.
  • all production-ready files (CSS, JS, images, fonts), go into the dist/ directory (Auto generated).
  • all configuration files (.editorconfig, package.json, bower.json, Gruntfile.js) can be found in the project root.

In effect, this is what the project tree should look like:

+-- bower_components/
+-- node_modules/
+-- external_files/
+-- src/
	+-- fonts/
	+-- images/
	+-- js/
	+-- media/
	+-- scss/
+-- www    
	+-- config/
	+-- constants/
	+-- controllers/
	+-- directives/
	+-- factories/
	+-- filters/
	+-- partials/
	+-- modules/
	+-- services/
	+-- templates/
	+-- index.html
+-- dist/
	+-- fonts/
	+-- images/
	+-- js/
	+-- css/
+-- .editorconfig
+-- .eslintrc
+-- bower.json
+-- Gruntfile.js
+-- package.json

Configuring your text-editor

We use EditorConfig to ensure that developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. Install a suitable EditorConfig plugin for your favourite text-editor from this page. Once installed, the .editorconfig file should show up syntax-highlighted in your editor.

We also use an angular-flavoured configuration for eslint, to ensure that our codebase always remains readable. ESLint has plugins for SublimeText and Atom.

Project setup

First-time project setup consists of:

  • installing Node.js, npm, bower, grunt-cli, eslint
  • installing Ruby, gem and sass
  • installing dev-dependencies (npm packages)
  • installing front-end dependencies (bower packages)
  • setting up grunt to watch the project files for changes

Once you've installed Node.js and npm on your system, install bower, grunt-cli and eslint globally, like so:

$ npm install -g bower grunt-cli eslint

Once you've installed Ruby and gem on your system, install the sass gem like so:

$ gem install sass

Next, cd into the project root to install the dev-dependencies, like so:

$ npm install

Installing the front-end dependencies is really easy:

$ bower install

Finally, fire up grunt to open up a web-browser, watch the filesystem for changes, and to live-reload the browser whenever there's a relevant change:

$ grunt

The last 3 steps have been packaged into a single npm script inside package.json:

$ npm start

Installing new npm packages

We use Node.js only during development/testing and it is not required in a production environment. It follows that any npm dependencies will always be dev-dependencies, i.e., they must either:

  • be put into the devDependencies section of the project's package.json, or
  • be installed with the --save-dev flag, so that the dependency is automatically added to the devDependencies section of the project's package.json. Like so:
$ npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-jshint

Never install npm packages with the --save flag, and never add npm packages to the dependencies section of the project's package.json.

Installing new bower components

Always install a new bower dependency with the --save flag, like so:

$ bower install --save angular

Doing this will automatically add the new dependency to the project's bower.json


Creating this repo for few of my colleague for just a quick start with angular JS






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