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Optimal Transport

This repository contains the implementation of the algorithms described in my, Valentin Hartmann's, bachelor thesis and in the joint paper with Dominic Schuhmacher. That is the computation and visualization of the (semi-discrete) optimal transport for the Euclidean cost function from a continuous to a discrete measure.

In the folder opt_transport you can find the program that computes the optimal weight vector and the Wasserstein distance for two given measures whereas the folder visualization is dedicated to the additively weighted Voronoi diagrams. It comprises C++ code to generate the data necessary for drawing a Voronoi diagram for a set of points with associated weights and a MATLAB script which uses this data to carry out the job of the actual drawing.

The software was tested on Ubuntu 17.04 but it should work on most other Linux distributions without any problem.


The programs make use of several software components that need to be installed first. The compilation and usage of the individual programs in this repository is explained in the READMEs in the subdirectories.

Open a shell window and install the following three packages by typing the corresponding command.

  • CGAL for computing Voronoi diagrams: sudo apt-get install libcgal-dev

  • libLBFGS for minimizing the convex function Phi: sudo apt-get install liblbfgs-dev

  • CMake for compiling the sources: sudo apt-get install cmake

Typical workflow

To go from a source and a target measure to the Voronoi diagram inducing the optimal transport between them, we provide an example using the two sample measures provided in this repository. For details on how to use the individual programs see the corresponding READMEs.

First compile all programs as described. Then open a shell and enter the following:

    cd <root of this repository>
    opt_transport/opt_transport -l opt_transport/samples/mu.txt opt_transport/samples/nu.txt 3 weights.txt 0
    opt_transport/utilities/create_sites_file opt_transport/samples/nu.txt 3 weights.txt sites.txt
    visualization/create_diagram weights.txt sites.txt intersections.txt

Change the paths in the MATLAB script to the sites and intersections file and run it.


  • CGAL: A C++ library of compuational geometry algorithms.
  • libLBFGS: A C implementation of the L-BFGS algorithm for minimizing convex functions.