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Starter repo for speedybot,

Note: To jump right in, go here:

Video Instructions


git clone
cd speedybot-starter
npm run setup
# add your token to settings/config.json and launch with $ npm start
  • See here for how to add $uperpowers to give your bot extra capabilities (get/set conversational contexts, store data, retrieve files, 3rdparty integrations, etc)
Command Desc
npm run setup Setup dependency and bundle
npm run dev Start with live-reload on code-changes
npm run ui Boot web-based debug panel
npm start Start chat agent
npm start:server Start server (you'll need to set webhookUrl in settings/config.json)

Get a new or existing token and save to config.json

Information for booting with a server

To boot with a server, deploy it and append "/speedybotwebhook" to the address


Boot the server with:

npm run start:server

If you want to test webhooks without deploying, you can obtain a 2-hour tunnel for testing with the following command

npx speedybot tunnel <port_number>

With the tunnel address, use it under webhookUrl

Speedybot instruments on top of the incredibly useful webex-node-bot-framework and steps through the fastest path to a working bot and provides some convenience features

Adding a new chat handler

With Speedybot, all you need to worry about is the settings directory directory with two files:

1. config.json: This is where you'll put your bot access token and the "tunnel" (or webhost) where your bot is reachable from webhooks

2. handlers.ts: A list of "handlers" that respond to keywords

Example handler:

	keyword: ['hello', 'hey', 'yo', 'watsup', 'hola'],
	handler(bot, trigger) {
		// bot:
		// trigger:
		const reply = `Heya how's it going ${trigger.person.displayName}?`
	helpText: `**hello** A handler that greets the user`

Special keywords

There are a few "special" keywords you can use to "listen" to special events:

  • <@submit>: Handler that will run anytime data is submitted from an Adaptive Card

  • <@catchall>: Handler that will run on every message received (can be useful to dispatch messages to natural language services like DialogFlow or Lex)

  • <@fileupload>: Handler that will fire on every file-upload or file-attachment sent to the bot

  • <@help>: There is a built-in help handler by default (it will print out all of your custom handler's helpTexts from settings/handlers.ts), but use this if you want to make your own

  • <@spawn>: Gets called whenever a user adds your bot to a new space-- there are some caveats, however, to its behavior, so if you think you'll need this, see here, here or the resources page for all the details

  • <@despawn>: Opposite of spawn, see here for details

ex. Tell the bot "sendcard" to get a card, type into the card & tap submit, catch submission using <@submit> and echo back to user

export default [{
        keyword: '<@submit>',
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            bot.say(`Submission received! You sent us ${JSON.stringify(trigger.attachmentAction.inputs)}`)
        helpText: 'Special handler that fires when data is submitted'
        keyword: 'sendcard',
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            bot.say('One card on the way...')

            // Adapative Card:
            const cardPayload = {
                "$schema": "",
                "type": "AdaptiveCard",
                "version": "1.0",
                "body": [{
                    "type": "TextBlock",
                    "size": "Medium",
                    "weight": "Bolder",
                    "text": "System is 👍"
                }, {
                    "type": "RichTextBlock",
                    "inlines": [{
                        "type": "TextRun",
                        "text": "If you see this card, everything is working"
                }, {
                    "type": "Image",
                    "url": "",
                    "horizontalAlignment": "Center",
                    "size": "large"
                }, {
                    "type": "Input.Text",
                    "id": "inputData",
                    "placeholder": "What's on your mind?"
                "actions": [{
                    "type": "Action.OpenUrl",
                    "title": "Take a moment to celebrate",
                    "url": "",
                    "style": "positive"
                }, {
                    "type": "Action.Submit",
                    "title": "Submit",
                    "data": {
                        "cardType": "inputForm"

            bot.sendCard(cardPayload, 'Your client does not currently support Adaptive Cards')
        helpText: 'Sends an Adaptive Card with an input field to the user'









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