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Flask blueprint to run OAuth against MediaWiki's extension:OAuth.

Note: The python-mwoauth library is more actively maintained, and also contains basic flask support. Please consider using python-mwoauth directly if it supports your use case.

The blueprint adds these uris:

  • /login - runs the OAuth handshake and returns the user to /
    • /login?next=/someurl will return the user to /someurl
  • /logout - clears the users' access tokens
    • /logout?next=/someurl will return the user to /someurl
  • /oauth-callback - callback from MW to finish the handshake

The users' OAuth key and secret are stored in the session.

In addition, flask-mwoauth adds a few convenience functions:

  1. get_current_user(cached=True) reports who the current user is. To confirm the user is still logged in (e.g. tokens have not been revoked), call it with cached=False.

  2. request(api_query) submits an request through the API, using the users' access tokens. For instance,

result = request({'action': 'query', 'meta': 'userinfo'})

fetches and returns the result as Python dict, e.g.

{u'batchcomplete': u'', u'query': {u'userinfo': {u'id': 31344, u'name': u'Valhallasw'}}}

If you are authorized to access other wikis (e.g., although you authorized via, you can run a request there using

result = request({'action': 'query', 'meta': 'userinfo'}, url='')

For more information on using the api, please check the api documentation at

The example app

An example app is implemented in

  1. Go to and fill in the following values:
  • Application name: test app
  • Application description: test app for flask-mwoauth
  • OAuth "callback" URL: http://localhost:5000/oauth-callback
  • Contact email address:
  • Leave all other values default.
  1. Click 'Propose consumer'. You now get a message stating

Your OAuth consumer request has been received.

You have been assigned a consumer token of and a secret token of . Please record these for future reference."

  1. Then

    $ python develop
    $ python
    NOTE: The callback URL you entered when proposing an OAuth consumer
    probably did not match the URL under which you are running this development
    server. Your redirect back will therefore fail -- please adapt the URL in
    your address bar to http://localhost:5000/oauth-callback?oauth_verifier=...etc
    Consumer key: <the consumer key you got>
    Consumer secret: <the consumer secret you got>

    You may need to re-enter the key and secret if the app reloads.

  2. Go to http://localhost:5000/ and click 'login'.

Projects using flask-mwoauth

To see how flask-mwoauth is used in applications, you can take a look at:


Flask blueprint to connect to a MediaWiki OAuth server







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