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IndieAuth/Micropub for static (Zola+GitHub) websites, runnable on Lambda


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Sellout Engine

The "less indie" option for IndieWeb-powering a website. Bezos is going to own every computer on the planet after all :D

  • an IndieAuth server (authorization-endpoint, token-endpoint) and Micropub implementation
  • for GitHub-hosted static-generated sites
    • specifically for Zola ones, as only its TOML front-matter is supported
  • designed to be able to run on AWS Lambda
  • stores data like auth sessions in (oh no) DynamoDB
  • uploads media to S3 (of course)
  • should be put directly on the website's domain using a capable CDN
    • … like AWS CloudFront (yep)
    • with that, you can do cookie-authed Micropub for micro-panel

Oh and it has:

  • hopefully good security
  • definitely good visual design
  • not a lot of code
  • very cool and modern, async and typed Python code


Unfortunately, I don't really have the energy and motivation to fully document everything. Or automate deployment via tools like CloudFormation/SAM, etc. But here's an attempt at some documentation.


Create tables with a common prefix like yourwebsite-, I'll use unrelentingtech-:

  • unrelentingtech-auth with partition key token

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

Store secrets here. Add SecureString parameters with a common prefix e.g. /sellout:

  • /sellout/GITHUB_TOKEN: a Personal Access Token for a bot account that just has access to the site repo
  • /sellout/PASSWORD_HASH: argon2 hash of the admin password
  • /sellout/SESSION_SECRET: some big random string


I deploy the Lambda from GitHub Actions here. I guess you can do that in a fork too?

Python 3.8 runtime, runlambda.lambda_handler handler.

Set a reasonable amount of memory (256-512MB) and timeout (1 min).

Environment variables:

  • PYTHONPATH: /var/task/__pypackages__/3.8/lib:/var/runtime
  • SSM_PREFIX: as above e.g. /sellout
  • DYNAMO_PREFIX: as above e.g. unrelentingtech-
  • MEDIA_BUCKET: S3 bucket name for media uploads
  • MEDIA_PREFIX (optional): a path prefix for S3 uploads (must not start with /)
  • MEDIA_URL: S3 or CDN URL where the S3 uploads are served from (must end with /)
  • GITHUB_REPO: user and repo e.g. unrelentingtech/site
  • GITHUB_BRANCH: e.g. main


Ah, who doesn't love this. Cloud Engineering time! Basically we need the Lambda to have access to SSM parameters and the key for them, DynamoDB and S3. There's also some log stuff that was auto generated.

Note the table and parameter prefixes.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:eu-west-1:REDACTED:*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::unrelentingtech/*"

API Gateway

Typical /{proxy+}-all-the-things config, set */* for Binary Media Types in API Settings (!).


Unfortunately CloudFront is really weird about some headers, so we have to use CloudFront Functions to rename them :/ These are handled in WeirdnessMiddleware, which MUST be removed if not using this CDN setup!

Setup a behavior to forward requests to the Lambda:

  • path pattern .sellout*
  • the something.api-gateway… origin
  • cache policy: CachingDisabled (probably can cache, but there's like, no need to)
  • origin request policy: custom
    • headers: Origin, Accept-Charset, Accept, x-authorization, x-forwarded-host, Referer, Accept-Language
    • cookies: all
    • query strings: all
  • viewer request function:
function handler(event) {
    var req = event.request
    req.headers['x-forwarded-host'] = { value: req.headers['host'].value }
    if (req.headers['authorization'])
        req.headers['x-authorization'] = { value: req.headers['authorization'].value }
    return req

And with all that, should hopefully work :)

Now add links to your actual content pages, e.g. also with CF Functions:

  resp.headers['link'] = { value: '</.sellout/authz>; rel="authorization_endpoint", </.sellout/token>; rel="token_endpoint", </.sellout/pub>; rel="micropub"' }

Also why not e.g. enforce some security for your logged in self, while allowing more open access for the public:

  var csp = "default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src data: https: 'self'; media-src https: 'self'; script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'"
  if (req.cookies['__Host-wheeeee']) {
    csp += "; frame-ancestors 'none'"
    resp.headers['cross-origin-opener-policy'] = { value: "same-origin" }
  } else {
    csp += "; frame-ancestors https:"
    resp.headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = { value: "*" }
  resp.headers['content-security-policy'] = { value: csp }

(include the __Host-wheeeee cookie in the cache policy for the website content!)


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE file or

(Note: different licenses apply to dependencies.)


IndieAuth/Micropub for static (Zola+GitHub) websites, runnable on Lambda




