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Create Service Accounts, enable API Services and prepare your GCP account to enable Valtix Controller access your account and deploy Valtix Security Gateways. The repo provides a full working example. You can clone this and use this as a module from your other terraform scripts.


  1. Enable terraform to access your GCP account. Check here for the options (Quick Summary: gcloud auth application-default login or if you intend to use a Service Account to run terraform, then create a key for the service account and provide the downloaded file as the value of the gcp_credentials_file )
  2. Permissions/Roles required for the user that runs this terraform:
    • Logging Admin - roles/loggingg.admin
    • Pub/Sub Admin - roles/pubsub.admin
    • Security Admin - roles/iam.securityAdmin
    • Service Account Admin - roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
    • Service Account Key Admin - roles/iam.serviceAccountKeyAdmin
    • Service Usage Admin - roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
    • Storage Admin - roles/storage.admin
    • Compute Admin - roles/compute.admin
    • DNS Administrator - roles/dns.admin


  • prefix - (Required) Prefix added to the service accounts (and any other resources) created
  • project_id - (Required) GCP Project Id where the Service Accounts (and eventually Valtix Gateways) are created
  • gcp_credentials_file - (Optional) GCP Credentials file (Defaults to $HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json)
  • bucket_location - (Optional) Create a storage bucket in the given location. This can be used later on for enabling VPC and DNS Flow logs. Default empty (no storage bucket is created)
  • valtix_webhook - (Optional) Valtix webhook - Used to get real time inventory updates. This creates a pubsub topic, pubsub subscription, logsink. Default empty (does not create these integrations)


  • client_email - Service Account used by the Valtix Controller to manage your GCP Account
  • controller_account - Same value as client_email
  • gateway_account - Service Account used by the Valtix Gateways
  • project_id - Project Id that was provided in the variables
  • private_key_file_content - This is the private key for the controller_account (or client_email). This is required during onboarding of the GCP account to the Valtix Controller. The content is sensitive and can be displayed using terraform output -json | jq -r .private_key_file_content.value. If you are using the Valtix Dashboard, then copy/paste the contents of private_key. If you are using terraform to onboard this account from another module, then save the value into a file and use this file as the argument for gcp_credentials_file in the valtix_cloud_account resource. If you are running this from a module, then you can use the output directly
  • storage_bucket - If bucket location is provided, create a storage bucket and show the name

Running as root module

git clone
cd terraform-gcp-setup
mv provider
cp values.sample values

Edit values file with the appropriate values for the variables

terraform init
terraform apply -var-file values

Using as a module (non-root module)

Create a tf file with the following content

terraform {
  required_providers {
    google = {
      source = "hashicorp/google"

provider "google" {
  project = "project-id-12345"
  # setup your optional gcp credentials here
  # credentials = "creds-filename.json"

module "gcp_setup" {
  source                    = ""
  prefix                    = "someprefix"
  project_id                = "project-id-12345"

You can use variables instead of hardcoded values

In the directory where you created the above file, run the following commands

terraform init
terraform apply


GCP Service account and project setup for Valtix







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