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File metadata and controls

178 lines (130 loc) · 6.5 KB

Redirection and Error

Redirection, client and server errors are handled via a simple exception mechanism.

In a HandlerCallback, you may throw any of Informational, Success, Redirection, ClientError and ServerError predefined error domains rather than setting the status and returning from the function.

It is possible to register a handler on the router to handle a specific status code.

app.use ((req, res, next) => {
    try {
        return next ();
    } catch (Redirection.PERMANENT red) {
        // handle a redirection...

Default handling


Default handling is not assured by the middlewares/basic middleware.

The router can be configured to handle raised status by setting the response status code and headers appropriately.

app.use (basic ());

app.get ("/", () => {
    throw new ClientError.NOT_FOUND ("The request URI '/' was not found.");

To handle status more elegantly, see the middlewares/status middleware.

app.use (status (Status.NOT_FOUND, (req, res, next, ctx, err) => {
    // handle 'err' properly...

The error message may be used to fill a specific vsgi/response headers or the response body. The following table describe how the router deal with these cases.

Status Header Description
Informational.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS Upgrade Identifier of the protocol to use
Success.CREATED Location URL to the newly created resource
Success.PARTIAL_CONTENT Range Range of the delivered resource in bytes
Redirection.MOVED_PERMANENTLY Location URL to perform the redirection
Redirection.FOUND Location URL of the found resource
Redirection.SEE_OTHER Location URL of the alternative resource
Redirection.USE_PROXY Location URL of the proxy
Redirection.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT Location URL to perform the redirection
ClientError.UNAUTHORIZED WWW-Authenticate Challenge for authentication
ClientError.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Allow Comma-separated list of allowed methods
ClientError.UPGRADE_REQUIRED Upgrade Identifier of the protocol to use

The following errors does not produce any payload:

  • Success.NO_CONTENT
  • Success.NOT_MODIFIED

For all other domains, the message will be used as a text/plain payload encoded with UTF-8.

The approach taken by Valum is to support at least all status defined by libsoup-2.4 and those defined in RFC documents. If anything is missing, you can add it and submit us a pull request.

Informational (1xx)

Informational status are used to provide a in-between response for the requested resource. The vsgi/response body must remain empty.

Informational status are enumerated in Informational error domain.

Success (2xx)

Success status tells the client that the request went well and provide additional information about the resource. An example would be to throw a Success.CREATED error to provide the location of the newly created resource.

Successes are enumerated in Success error domain.

app.get ("/document/<int:id>", (req, res) => {
    // serve the document by its identifier...

app.put ("/document", (req, res) => {
    // create the document described by the request
    throw new Success.CREATED ("/document/%u".printf (id));

Redirection (3xx)

To perform a redirection, you have to throw a Redirection error and use the message as a redirect URL. The router will automatically set the Location header accordingly.

Redirections are enumerated in Redirection error domain.

app.get ("/user/<id>/save", (req, res) => {
    var user = User (req.params["id"]);

    if ( ())
        throw new Redirection.MOVED_TEMPORAIRLY ("/user/%u".printf (;

Client (4xx) and server (5xx) error

Like for redirections, client and server errors are thrown. Errors are predefined in ClientError and ServerError error domains.

app.get ("/not-found", (req, res) => {
    throw new ClientError.NOT_FOUND ("The requested URI was not found.");

Errors in next

The next continuation is designed to throw these specific errors so that the router can handle them properly.

app.use ((req, res, next) => {
    try {
        return next ();
    } catch (ClientError.NOT_FOUND err) {
        // handle a 404...

app.get ("/", (req, res, next) => {
    return next (); // will throw a 404

app.get ("/", (req, res) => {
    throw new ClientError.NOT_FOUND ("");