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Magic Bookstore Manager

The front-end implementation of a web bookstore application.

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Application Screenshot



Background   |    Installations   |    Usage   |    App   |    Building   |    Author


This project was built to accomplish a task by Microverse Inc to build the front-end of a web bookstore manager application. The milestones below comprised the development process.

  1. Project setup.
  2. Project folder structure layout.
  3. Make the page dynamic - This involved adding books to and removing books from the redux store.
  4. Implement a book-list filter.
  5. Add Styling.

Live Demo

The Features of the application were deployed to Heroku

Checkout the live link here

🔧 Building

The tools used to build the application are listed below:

  • React
  • prop-types
  • react-redux
  • redux
  • eslint
  • stylelint
  • SCSS


To use the code in this repository, follow the steps in this section:

🔨 Prerequisites

You should have the following packages installed on your computer inorder to run the code contained herein.

  • Node JS
  • npm and npx

🔨 Setup

First get a copy of the project on your computer:

🛠 Installing

Once you have a local copy of the entire project on your computer, then:

  • If you don't meet the above prerequisites, visit node download and installations docs to install node js and npm.
  • After installations, change directory into the directory where you cloned the repository.
  • Open the project directory in your editor of choice. For example running code . will open the project in VSCode.
  • Run npm install to install the project dependencies in the package.json file.

Magic Bookstore Application

With the above setup complete, you are set to locally use the code. The following steps provide a guide:

  • Run npm start to start webpack-dev-server.
  • If everything worked well, the browser should automatically render the bookstore manager application on http://localhost:3000/.

✒️ Author

👤 Mworekwa Ezekiel

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

  • To create an issue, visit the issues page and create a new issue.
  • To contribute to the code base, follow the steps below:
    1. Fork this repository to your remote respository by clicking the Fork button in this repository.
    2. Clone this repository to a directory on your computer by following Github guidelines.
    3. Change directory into the directory where you cloned this repository to.
    4. Open the directory using your favorite editor.
    5. Create a feature branch off the develop branch.
    6. Make and commit the nuanced code.
    7. Open a pull request describing the improvements made And your reward awaits in heaven.

👍 Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

👏 Acknowledgements


A web bookstore manager front-end






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