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Eric J. Van Pyrz edited this page Oct 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

User Stories

1. User login system

Each user will be able to login to their own account securely and from any web browser on a computer or mobile device. They will be able to complete tasks and get information related to their specific account and circumstances.

2. Class registration system

The user will be able to view classes and their information for which they may be interested in. In addition, users will be able to register, un-register, or add themselves to a wait list if they plan on taking a class.

3. Class history profile

The user will be able to view past and present enrollments and information pertaining to each enrollment.

4. User portal

Upon login, the user will be directed to their user homepage. Here they will be able to find useful information about their current enrollment, notifications of events that may require attention, and other general information which may be of importance or increase productivity. The goal of this piece is to provide the user a reliable starting point for information and for the other pieces of our system.

5. Academic guide and degree planner (Add-on)

This module will give the user specific information relative to their degree program or academic progress. This information provide insight on topics such as how a user is performing in their overall academic career, performance related to their specific degree program, and future enrollment based on academic requirements.

6. Notifications of events and deadlines (Add-on)

This module will introduce notifications and displayed information to keep a user informed as to when something is happened or a task needs to be completed. A user will receive notifications of such events and will be given the option to have our system direct them to the module where they can complete the task. This will increase productivity and handle management of events for the user.

7. Class scheduler (Add-on)

The user will be given a breakdown of the classes for which they are currently registered. This breakdown will provide useful information about the classes and a schedule to follow for the current period of enrollment.

Team Roles


Front End – View design. Front end and user interface design and logic. API implementation.


Back End – Database design and implementation. API design.


QA – Development and implementation of module tests and documentation.