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Releases: vanshg/MacAssistant

0.2 (BETA)

15 May 21:47
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0.2 (BETA) Pre-release

NOTE: This "release" is bug-ridden. Please try building from source instead for significantly more stability and functionality!!

NOTE: I've currently hit the API limit and am working with Google to resolve this issue and give me more API quota.
In the meantime, you can obtain your own OAuth client key and build the project yourself by following the Build Instructions in the README.


  • Added Icon
  • Added Hotkey (Double Press Command)
  • Displaying spoken text

0.1 (BETA)

15 May 06:40
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0.1 (BETA) Pre-release

This is the first release of any kind of MacAssistant. There will be bugs, and the UI/UX is not there yet. Functionally, it should work as expected.