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Initial Architecture

Vanskarner edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 3 revisions

Clean Architecture, introduced by Uncle Bob in 2012, is a way of conceiving the architecture of a system from a perspective based on horizontal layers, where a horizontal layer represents an area of the software.

So, from this single publication, we can make a first initial definition of architecture:

The architecture is the separation of concerns into layers that follow the dependency rule to ensure that the system is detail independent and intrinsically testable.

While the definition is not bad, the architecture of a system is thought of as a set of layers that are layered on top of each other. However, we will see later that architecture can be better thought of as a set of components.

The following are the ideas that can be derived and developed from this publication, all in a simplified and practical way:

The Beginning Data Flow

El inicio

Flujo de datos

The central idea of the initial clean architecture is addressed, each layer is discussed and a class diagram that follows the dependency rule is shown. The data flow in an architecture is briefly explained.
Layers Boundaries


Crossing Boundaries

Horizontal layers can be grouped into more representative horizontal layers. There is talk of limits in an architecture and how to cross them.
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