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Masternode AutoScript

batfinksuperstar edited this page May 8, 2018 · 12 revisions

Hot wallet (Ubuntu 16.04) / Coldwallet (Windows GUI) AUTO SETUP

What does the script do ?

The script installs and configures everything related to the masternode on your Linux VPS saving you time. The following steps are done by the script: Create MN - Asks you if you want to create a Masternode -Provide Private Key - This will update the Configuration wile with your Private Key

  • Step 01) Ubuntu version 16.04 - This will check you are running required version of Ubuntu
  • Step 02) Update and Upgrade - script will run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade so your VPS is up to date.
  • Step 03) Setup SWAP (Optional) - if you have a VPS with only 1GB or ram, you will need to add some swap space so the script can compile the wallet.
  • Step 04) Install Firewall - firewall will be enabled and all the ports needed will be opened.
  • Step 05) Install Dependencies - install the required dependencies
  • Step 06) Compile Wallet - the script will clone the VTAR github repo, compile the wallet and add it to usr/bin.
  • Step 07) Install the Wallet - Install the wallet
  • Step 08) Configure Wallet - Configure the wallet and Conf file
  • Step 09) Start Wallet Daemon - Start the wallet and output Detials for Masternode setup

Getting started

Choose a Ubuntu 16.04 VPS from a provider like Digital Ocean or Vultr VPS Server with root access runing Ubuntu 16.04 x64 operation with the following minimum specs:

  • 1GHZ CPU Core
  • 1GB of ram

Creating the VPS

Vultr Example:

You need 50,000 VTAR plus fee for each Masternode so make sure you have a 50,001+ VTAR (50K for MN +1 to cover minor 0.01 transaction fee) in your desktop cold wallet.

Cold Wallet (GUI- Windows etc) Setup

Open your wallet on your desktop.

  • Click Settings -> Options -> Display
  • Check Enable coin control features Press Ok (you will need to restart the wallet)

Create Private Key Required for Auto Script

Go to the Tools -> Debug console type: masternode genkey You should see a long key that looks like: 69FMgZsLHAnoBRgyLj8UJjRSre4xMQRKKKCoccNXBVxy66LVUyA

This is your private key; you will need to enter the same key on your VPS’s Vantaur.conf file later.  

Send the Collateral

Click on Receive and create a New address for your MN (name it whatever you want i.e VTAR-01 or MN01 Unlock your wallet if you have encrypted it and uncheck just for staking

Now send yourself EXACTLY 50,000 VTAR in one transaction to your newly created MN address (no more or less) otherwise the masternode will not function and you will receive a “Could not find suitable coins” error

After sending and waiting for 15 confirmations, go to HELP -> DEBUG WINDOW -> CONSOLE

Type: masternode outputs

  "wrfdPmW6XTWvTFENuZgH5MRHvdzhsrbNJs7Upq3hdKWjqF3rN" : "1"

(this is the Transaction ID or TXHASH for the 50K VTAR you sent, if you have multiple MN that are unlocked you will see multiple entries here so make sure you get the correct ID or Lock the MN's before doing this

VPS Setup

  1. Log into your VPS (we recommend using Putty)

Copy and paste each of the three lines and hit Return after each one to load the script

chmod +x

Follow the prompts -

Step 2 Will take 5-10 Minutes Step 3 Will Prompt for Y / N Step 7 Will take 30-60 minutes Step 10 will ouput What you need to enter into the Masternode.Conf

Cold Wallet (GUI- Windows etc) Setup Part 2

set up your Masternode in the wallet this is the Transaction ID or TXHASH for the 50K VTAR you sent, if you have multiple MN that are unlocked you will see multiple entries here so make sure you get the correct ID

Copy the Transaction Id or Output and note the last digit which will either be 1 or 0 Go to the masternode tab – MY MASTERNODES and click on Create

  • Alias- is the name you want to give i.e VTAR-MN01 or MN01 etc
  • Address: You must put the port number separated by Colon after the ip address. For example:
  • Privkey that you generated from Cold Wallet Part 1 with masternode genkey
  • TxHash: Enter the key from masternode outputs command above (no “” )
  • Output Index: Enter either 1 or 0 Leave Reward Address and percent empty/blank (recommended) (unless you want to send MN rewards to another address)

Now click on Update button and you should your entry like the below:

Click on Start Wait 2-5 minutes and click on Update. Your Masternode should be running.

On your VPS (Ubuntu server) you can type: vantaurd masternode debug If it says: “masternode started remotely” then it was successful.

Your first rewards can take between 3/4 days (from last Start) but as long as Masternode is running (Keep an eye) you should be good. If you restart it will be another 2/3 days for a reward


If this guide helped you feel free to Tip here

To VTAR Address
@batfinksuperstar VSA6dqeUPjLiJxJNFspPxjAVPNB6FNx5re
@VtarLeadershipteam VGpaRzedajNxLGZFfkGhrKLRvmhjSpEMpx

This guide was created by @batfinksuperstar #7237 (DiscordID), if you spot anything that is confusing or notice any errors let me know and we will update.