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DatasetBuilder and DatasetBenchmarker (#115)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* modified train/val/test function

* refactored init

* switched to loading helper function

* loads all experiments and splits data

* build dataset function

* first pass at DataBuilder

* working version of bencharmker

* removed separate id and name fields

* integrated resizing

* pep8

* switch naming in Benchmarker

* pep8

* kwargs to pass in additional arguments

* fixed mocker

* handle images with no labeled cells

* fix bug with resizing

* corner cases for train/test/val

* incorporate train_val_split changes

* added summarize

* simplified output format for Benchmarker

* simplified _reshape_dict

* renamed variables

* pep8

* renamed files

* fixed bug in summarize

* different output shapes for each split

* simplified benchmarking dicts

* renamed file

* added explicit 4D checks where necessary, abstracted to ... where not

* extract error checking

* bugfixes

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: willgraf <>

* add option to resize by constant value

* add testing for reproducible splits

* pep8

* better input validation

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: willgraf <>

* typo

Co-authored-by: willgraf <>
  • Loading branch information
ngreenwald and willgraf committed Sep 3, 2020
1 parent df42d68 commit 1dc8b57
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,872 additions and 188 deletions.
182 changes: 112 additions & 70 deletions caliban_toolbox/
Expand Up @@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================

import warnings
import math

import numpy as np

from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from deepcell_toolbox.utils import resize, tile_image

Expand All @@ -43,14 +45,15 @@ def compute_cell_size(npz_file, method='median', by_image=True):
the cell size across the entire npz is returned
average_sizes: list of typical cell size in NPZ
list: list of typical cell size in NPZ. If no cells, returns None.
Raises: ValueError if invalid method supplied
Raises: ValueError if data does have len(shape) of 4

valid_methods = set(['median', 'mean'])
if method.lower() not in valid_methods:
valid_methods = {'median', 'mean'}
method = str(method).lower()
if method not in valid_methods:
raise ValueError('Invalid method supplied: got {}, '
'method must be one of {}'.format(method, valid_methods))

Expand All @@ -63,9 +66,15 @@ def compute_cell_size(npz_file, method='median', by_image=True):

for i in range(labels.shape[0]):
current_label = labels[i, :, :, 0]
area = regionprops_table(current_label.astype('int'), properties=['area'])['area']

# check to make sure array contains cells
if len(np.unique(current_label)) > 1:
area = regionprops_table(current_label.astype('int'), properties=['area'])['area']

# if all images were empty, return NA
if cell_sizes == []:
return None

# compute for each list corresponding to each image
if by_image:
Expand All @@ -80,16 +89,16 @@ def compute_cell_size(npz_file, method='median', by_image=True):
all_cell_sizes = np.concatenate(cell_sizes)
if method == 'mean':
average_cell_sizes = [np.mean(all_cell_sizes)]
average_cell_sizes = np.mean(all_cell_sizes)
elif method == 'median':
average_cell_sizes = [np.median(all_cell_sizes)]
average_cell_sizes = np.median(all_cell_sizes)
raise ValueError('Invalid method supplied')

return average_cell_sizes

def reshape_training_image(X_data, y_data, resize_ratio, final_size, stride_ratio):
def reshape_training_data(X_data, y_data, resize_ratio, final_size, stride_ratio=1, tolerance=1.5):
"""Takes a stack of X and y data and reshapes and crops them to match output dimensions
Expand All @@ -98,14 +107,20 @@ def reshape_training_image(X_data, y_data, resize_ratio, final_size, stride_rati
resize_ratio: resize ratio for the images
final_size: the desired shape of the output image
stride_ratio: amount of overlap between crops (1 is no overlap, 0.5 is half crop size)
tolerance: ratio that determines when resizing occurs
reshaped_X, reshaped_y: resized and cropped version of input images
ValueError: If image data is not 4D

if len(X_data.shape) != 4:
raise ValueError('Image data must be 4D')

# resize if needed
# TODO: Add tolerance to control when resizing happens
if resize_ratio != 1:
if resize_ratio > tolerance or resize_ratio < (1 / tolerance):
new_shape = (int(X_data.shape[1] * resize_ratio),
int(X_data.shape[2] * resize_ratio))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,8 +150,14 @@ def pad_image_stack(images, crop_size):
np.array: padded image stack
ValueError: If images are not 4D

if len(images.shape) != 4:
raise ValueError('Image data must be 4D')

row_len, col_len = images.shape[1:3]
row_crop, col_crop = crop_size
row_num = math.ceil(row_len / crop_size[0])
Expand All @@ -149,73 +170,94 @@ def pad_image_stack(images, crop_size):
# don't need to pad
return images
new_images = np.zeros((images.shape[0], new_row_len, new_col_len, images.shape[3]))
new_images = np.zeros((images.shape[0], new_row_len, new_col_len, images.shape[3]),
new_images[:, :row_len, :col_len, :] = images
return new_images

def combine_npz_files(npz_list, resize_ratios, stride_ratio=1, final_size=(256, 256)):
"""Take a series of NPZ files and combine together into single training NPZ
def train_val_test_split(X_data, y_data, data_split=(0.8, 0.1, 0.1), seed=None):
"""Randomly splits supplied data into specified sizes for model assessment
npz_list: list of NPZ files to combine. Currently only works on 2D static data
resize_ratios: ratio used to resize each NPZ if data is of different resolutions. Must
be either 1 for each NPZ file, or 1 for each image within the NPZ file
stride_ratio: amount of overlap between crops (1 is no overlap, 0.5 is half crop size)
final_size: size of the final crops to be produced
X_data: array of X data
y_data: array of y_data
data_split: tuple specifying the fraction of the dataset for train/val/test
seed: random seed for reproducible splits
np.array: array containing resized and cropped data from all input NPZs
list of X and y data split appropriately. If dataset is too small for all splits,
returns None for remaining splits
ValueError: If mismatch between number of resize ratios and number of images
ValueError: if ratios do not sum to 1
ValueError: if any of the splits are 0
ValueError: If length of X and y data is not equal
combined_x = []
combined_y = []

for idx, npz in enumerate(npz_list):
current_x = npz['X']
current_y = npz['y']
current_resize = resize_ratios[idx]

# same resize value for entire NPZ file
if len(current_resize) == 1:
current_x, current_y = reshape_training_image(X_data=current_x,

# different resize value for each image within the NPZ file
unique_x, unique_y = [], []
if len(current_resize) != current_x.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Resize ratios must have same length as image data.'
'Provided resize ratios has length {} '
'and image data has shape {}'.format(len(resize_ratios),
# loop over each image and resize + crop appropriately
for img in range(current_x.shape[0]):
x_batch, y_batch = reshape_training_image(X_data=current_x[img:(img + 1)],
y_data=current_y[img:(img + 1)],

# combine all images from this NPZ together
current_x = np.concatenate(unique_x, axis=0)
current_y = np.concatenate(unique_y, axis=0)

# add combined images from this NPZ onto main accumulator list

# combine all images from all NPZs together
combined_x = np.concatenate(combined_x, axis=0)
combined_y = np.concatenate(combined_y, axis=0)

return combined_x, combined_y

total = np.round(np.sum(data_split), decimals=2)
if total != 1:
raise ValueError('Data splits must sum to 1, supplied splits sum to {}'.format(total))

if 0 in data_split:
raise ValueError('All splits must be non-zero')

if X_data.shape[0] != y_data.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Supplied X and y data do not have the same '
'length over batches dimension. '
'X.shape: {}, y.shape: {}'.format(X_data.shape, y_data.shape))

train_ratio, val_ratio, test_ratio = data_split

# 1 image, train split only
if X_data.shape[0] == 1:
warnings.warn('Only one image in current NPZ, returning training split only')
return X_data, y_data, None, None, None, None

# 2 images, train and val split only
if X_data.shape[0] == 2:
warnings.warn('Only two images in current NPZ, returning training and val split only')
return X_data[:1, ...], y_data[:1, ...], X_data[1:, ...], y_data[1:, ...], None, None

# compute fraction not in train
val_remainder_ratio = np.round(1 - train_ratio, decimals=2)
val_remainder_count = X_data.shape[0] * val_remainder_ratio

# not enough data for val split, put minimum (1) in each split
if val_remainder_count < 1:
warnings.warn('Not enough data in current NPZ for specified data split.'
'Returning modified data split')
X_train, X_remainder, y_train, y_remainder = train_test_split(X_data, y_data,
X_val, X_test, y_val, y_test = train_test_split(X_remainder, y_remainder,
return X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test

# split dataset into train and remainder
X_train, X_remainder, y_train, y_remainder = train_test_split(X_data, y_data,

# compute fraction of remainder that is test
test_remainder_ratio = np.round(test_ratio / (val_ratio + test_ratio), decimals=2)
test_remainder_count = X_remainder.shape[0] * test_remainder_ratio

# not enough data in remainder for test split, put minimum (1) in test split from train split
if test_remainder_count < 1:
warnings.warn('Not enough data in current NPZ for specified data split.'
'Returning modified data split')
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_train, y_train,
X_val, y_val = X_remainder, y_remainder

return X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test

# split remainder into val and test
X_val, X_test, y_val, y_test = train_test_split(X_remainder, y_remainder,

return X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test

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