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Merge 27391b4 into a292034
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ngreenwald committed Apr 29, 2020
2 parents a292034 + 27391b4 commit 484c24a
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Showing 13 changed files with 2,084 additions and 1,543 deletions.
628 changes: 59 additions & 569 deletions caliban_toolbox/

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939 changes: 131 additions & 808 deletions caliban_toolbox/

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202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions caliban_toolbox/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
# Copyright 2016-2020 The Van Valen Lab at the California Institute of
# Technology (Caltech), with support from the Paul Allen Family Foundation,
# Google, & National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant U24CA224309-01.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under a modified Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# The Work provided may be used for non-commercial academic purposes only.
# For any other use of the Work, including commercial use, please contact:
# Neither the name of Caltech nor the names of its contributors may be used
# to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
# prior written permission.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import math
import numpy as np

from itertools import product

import xarray as xr

def compute_crop_indices(img_len, crop_size, overlap_frac):
"""Determine how to crop the image across one dimension.
img_len: length of the image for given dimension
crop_size: size in pixels of the crop in given dimension
overlap_frac: fraction that adjacent crops will overlap each other on each side
numpy.array: coordinates for where each crop will start in given dimension
numpy.array: coordinates for where each crop will end in given dimension
int: number of pixels of padding at start and end of image in given dimension

# compute overlap fraction in pixels
overlap_pix = math.floor(crop_size * overlap_frac)

# the crops start at pixel 0, and are spaced crop_size - overlap_pix away from each other
start_indices = np.arange(0, img_len - overlap_pix, crop_size - overlap_pix)

# the crops each end crop_size away the start
end_indices = start_indices + crop_size

# the padding for the final image is the amount that the last crop goes beyond the image size
padding = end_indices[-1] - img_len

return start_indices, end_indices, padding

def crop_helper(input_data, row_starts, row_ends, col_starts, col_ends, padding):
"""Crops an image into pieces according to supplied coordinates
input_data: xarray of [fovs, stacks, crops, slices, rows, cols, channels] to be cropped
row_starts: list of indices where row crops start
row_ends: list of indices where row crops end
col_starts: list of indices where col crops start
col_ends: list of indices where col crops end
padding: tuple which specifies the amount of padding on the final image
numpy.array: 7D tensor of cropped images
tuple: shape of the final padded image

# determine key parameters of crop
fov_len, stack_len, input_crop_num, slice_num, _, _, channel_len = input_data.shape

if input_crop_num > 1:
raise ValueError("Array has already been cropped")

crop_num = len(row_starts) * len(col_starts)
crop_size_row = row_ends[0] - row_starts[0]
crop_size_col = col_ends[0] - col_starts[0]

# create xarray to hold crops
cropped_stack = np.zeros((fov_len, stack_len, crop_num, slice_num,
crop_size_row, crop_size_col, channel_len))

# labels for each index within a dimension
coordinate_labels = [input_data.fovs, input_data.stacks, range(crop_num), input_data.slices,
range(crop_size_row), range(crop_size_col), input_data.channels]

# labels for each dimension
dimension_labels = ['fovs', 'stacks', 'crops', 'slices', 'rows', 'cols', 'channels']

cropped_xr = xr.DataArray(data=cropped_stack, coords=coordinate_labels, dims=dimension_labels)

# pad the input to account for imperfectly overlapping final crop in rows and cols
formatted_padding = ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, padding[0]), (0, padding[1]), (0, 0))
padded_input = np.pad(input_data, formatted_padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0)

# loop through rows and cols to generate crops
crop_counter = 0
for i in range(len(row_starts)):
for j in range(len(col_starts)):
cropped_xr[:, :, crop_counter, ...] = padded_input[:, :, 0, :,
col_starts[j]:col_ends[j], :]
crop_counter += 1

return cropped_xr, padded_input.shape

def stitch_crops(crop_stack, log_data):
"""Takes a stack of annotated labels and stitches them together into a single image
crop_stack: 7D tensor of labels to be stitched together
log_data: dictionary of parameters for reconstructing original image data
numpy.array: 7D tensor of reconstructed labels

# Initialize image with single dimension for channels
fov_len, stack_len, _, _, row_size, col_size, _ = log_data['original_shape']
row_padding, col_padding = log_data.get('row_padding', 0), log_data.get('col_padding', 0)
stitched_labels = np.zeros((fov_len, stack_len, 1, 1, row_size + row_padding,
col_size + col_padding, 1))

row_starts, row_ends = log_data['row_starts'], log_data['row_ends']
col_starts, col_ends = log_data['col_starts'], log_data['col_ends']

if crop_stack.shape[3] != 1:
raise ValueError('Stacks must be combined before stitching can occur')

# for each fov and stack, loop through rows and columns of crop positions
for fov, stack, row, col in product(range(fov_len), range(stack_len),
range(len(row_starts)), range(len(col_starts))):

# determine what crop # we're currently working on
crop_counter = row * len(row_starts) + col

# get current crop
crop = crop_stack[fov, stack, crop_counter, 0, :, :, 0]

# increment values to ensure unique labels across final image
lowest_allowed_val = np.amax(stitched_labels[fov, stack, ...])
crop = np.where(crop == 0, crop, crop + lowest_allowed_val)

# get ids of cells in current crop
potential_overlap_cells = np.unique(crop)
potential_overlap_cells = \

# get values of stitched image at location where crop will be placed
stitched_crop = stitched_labels[fov, stack, 0, 0,
col_starts[col]:col_ends[col], 0]

# loop through each cell in the crop to determine
# if it overlaps with another cell in full image
for cell in potential_overlap_cells:

# get cell ids present in stitched image
# at location of current cell in crop
stitched_overlap_vals, stitched_overlap_counts = \
np.unique(stitched_crop[crop == cell], return_counts=True)

# remove IDs and counts corresponding to overlap with ID 0 (background)
keep_vals = np.nonzero(stitched_overlap_vals)
stitched_overlap_vals = stitched_overlap_vals[keep_vals]
stitched_overlap_counts = stitched_overlap_counts[keep_vals]

# if there are overlaps, determine which is greatest in count,
# and replace with that ID
if len(stitched_overlap_vals) > 0:
max_overlap = stitched_overlap_vals[np.argmax(stitched_overlap_counts)]
crop[crop == cell] = max_overlap

# combine the crop with the current values in the stitched image
combined_crop = np.where(stitched_crop > 0, stitched_crop, crop)

# use this combined crop to update the values of stitched image
stitched_labels[fov, stack, 0, 0, row_starts[row]:row_ends[row],
col_starts[col]:col_ends[col], 0] = combined_crop

# trim padding to put image back to original size
if row_padding > 0:
stitched_labels = stitched_labels[:, :, :, :, :-row_padding, :, :]
if col_padding > 0:
stitched_labels = stitched_labels[:, :, :, :, :, :-col_padding, :]

return stitched_labels

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