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Ivan.Yossi edited this page Dec 12, 2013 · 4 revisions

At the moment it only runs perfectly on Linux, as long as the dependencies are met. Future versions are planned for Windows and OSX.


  • Tcl/Tk:
  • ImageMagick (6.7.5 and up): Library for manipulating image formats.
  • zip: Get info from ORA and KRA files (width height and the likes)
  • calligraconverter (optional): Handles the extraction from ORA and KRA files to PNG. (Also does PSD if gimp is not present)
  • inkscape (optional): Handles mostly SVG and AI converts. If not found Imagemagick will perform SVG transforms
  • gimp (optional): Handles XCF and PSD extraction to PNG. If not found Imagemagick will perform XCF transforms

Install dependencies

Check if TCl/Tk is installed in your system. In a terminal run.

~ $:wish

A windows must have appeared. If the command is not available follow install instructions of your distribution. for ubuntu in terminal:

~ $:sudo apt-get install tk8.5 tcl8.5

Check if imagemagick is available. In a terminal run:

~ $:identify -version

If the command is not found you need to install imagemagick. for ubuntu:

~ $:sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Optional dependencies:

calligraconverter is installed when you install Krita-2.6 and up gimp is used in batch mode. As long as gimp its installed it will work. inkscape is used in batch mode. As long as inkscape its installed it will work.



To enable fast Drag and drop library loading it is necessary to make a little adjustment to the files in


Copy and rename to if you are on a 64bit system

Copy and rename to if you are on a 32bit system