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Huddle Landing Page With Curved Section


This project is solely for learning purposes. I take no any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in this project. You should not use it as a reference for creating your project.

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The Story When Doing This Challenge


I noticed that the logo and the try it free button on mobile design is too small. I made them a little bit bigger. It's also an accessibility part where if your website has buttons, they need to have a decent touch target. That way they are easy to click.

When building the desktop layout, I just made the logo and try it free button bigger.


When I built the hero section, I noticed that 16px body font size is too big, so I reduced it to 15px.

On desktop layout, I noticed that it didn't have the same container as the other content. So, I added 930px max-width to the .hero .container.


The section-background was tricky. After several try and error, I found out that I need to put the background-image on the sibling element, not the direct section.

Let me explain, what's that mean. For example I wanted the first section have bg-section-top-1 and bg-section-bottom-2. I wanted the top one on the top and so the opposite. At first I thought that I need to put those background on its section and then position it using background-position.

.section {
    top/100% no-repeat,
    bottom/100% no-repeat

But it doesn't work, the background images were inside the section. They also were invisible, since I used the same color for background color.

So, I tried to put it on the previous sibling, which was hero and it worked!

.hero {
  background: bottom/100% no-repeat;
  background-image: url("../images/bg-section-top-mobile-1.svg");

For the bottom background image I used the next sibling element.

.section--middle {
  background: top/100% no-repeat;
  background-image: url("../images/bg-section-bottom-mobile-1.svg");

That method was also applied to other sections.

On building desktop layout, I add changed into desktop background image on 750px and added more padding. I created two columns layout on 1024px.

I wanted to use flex-basis on controlling the size of the illustration images, but I couldn't make it work. I needed to use max-width to control the width.


I changed the position of the subscribe button on mobile layout to align left. In my opinion, it's better since everything is also align left.

I also added Enter Email label for the input email. It's important for accessibility since every input must have label.

I added the validation, not just the Check your email please and red border, but I added x icon when the user write an invalid email address. If the email is valid then the user will see green border and check mark icon.

For the hover effect on social media icons, I used inline svg, I knew that it's not a good practice but to change the color when the user hover it I need to target the fill property. I had tried using filter, but sadly it didn't give me the blue color that on active-states.jpg. I used this Filter Generator on Codepen to generate the filter code, but it didn't give me the right color.

I had to use transform: scale() to make the social media icons bigger. I already tried using width and height, it didn't work well.

I made the social icons bigger so they are easy to click. Like I said before, it's important for anything that is clickable must have a decent touch target.

Built With

This project is created using HTML5, CSS3, and Sass.

I used one of the form features from Netlify which Forms Spam Filters, using Honeypot field.

I also used Mailgo, which is a light JavaScript library for mailto and tel. It will give you a nice popup for every mailto and tel link. I like this library. It is easy and simple to use.

Useful Resources
