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It's done. Pricing component with toggle. Challenge by Frontend Mentor. Coded by Vanza Setia. Now with React!

Pricing Component with Toggle

Also, I want to practice using React. I think it would be better if I had done the challenge with the technologies that I usually use first. Then, I will be able to focus on the React instead of thinking about everything from scratch.

I said that on another README's GitHub repository and finally, here is a project with React.

I completed this challenge four months ago without a JavaScript framework — GitHub - vanzasetia/pricing-component-with-toggle: A fun challenge from Frontend Mentor to create an accessible toggle component.


This project is solely for learning purposes. I take no any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in this project. You should not use it as a reference for creating your project.

I am currently no longer working on this project.

The challenge

My challenge is to build out this pricing component and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

My users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the component depending on their device's screen size
  • Control the toggle with both their mouse/trackpad and their keyboard

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What I learned

I learned Next.js and React.

Next.js is faster than create-react-app

Around a month ago, I tried using create-react-app, the installation time to install all the dependencies takes about 30 minutes. Then, the first time I run the dev server, the setup takes about 10 minutes. As a result, 40 minutes were spent and I still did not type a single line of code.

I gave up on learning React.

Then, after I got my motivation back to learn React, I found that the React documentation recommends using Next.js to get started. So I decided to learn React and Next.js.

npx create-next-app@latest is much faster than create-react-app. The installation time is not that much different. But, the dev server gets set up in about two minutes.

create-react-app gave me a bad experience with React and Next.js made the experience with React a little bit better. Just a little bit.

Next.js or NextJS

I got confused about how to write Next.js.

Example: I am learning Next.js.

An awkward situation where a sentence has a double dot wrapping the "js".

I decided to go with Next.js instead of NextJS because that is how Vercel write it.


I could not get proper sleep for the last two days. I always got up at 2 AM or around that time. Also, I slept at 12 AM. My sleep is in a bad state.

Anyway, I decided to copy-paste the HTML and CSS from my old solution for this challenge.

I got errors so I had to:

  • change class to className,
  • change for to htmlFor, and
  • change checked to defaultChecked

Those are the errors that I can remember.

I learned that some HTML attributes are not compatible with React.


I learned about useState.

I got an error where Next.js said that useState is not defined. I could fix it by importing the useState from react.

import { useState } from 'react';

useState returns an array with exactly two items

useState – React #useState

I learned that as well.

Strange phenomenon

What is going on?

Unhandled Runtime Error. Error: Simulated error coming from Devtools

The error disappeared after I disabled the React Developer Tools.

Also, sometimes the toggle works and sometimes it does not work. I am not sure whether it actually works or not.

You can help me with this. I need help. Please. I want to sleep.

Useful resources

I used the documentation to help me build the project.


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