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OTP implementation (#2499)
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* OTP implementations

* Added HOTP and TOTP implementations
* Added HOTP adn TOTP tests

* Cleanup

+ Cleaned up some of the leftover code.

* Import fixed

* Fixed an issue with an invalid import of Crypto

* Fixed another import

* Fixed another import issue in the implementation

* Swift 5.2 support

* Updated the code to (hopefully) support Swift 5.2

* Consistency

* Moved a parameter around for a more consistent structure

* Updated OTP API

* Made the init public
* Removed the static 'initializers'
* Updated tests to support new API

* Style guide conformance

* Added the style guide conformance to function indentation
  • Loading branch information
Craz1k0ek committed Oct 3, 2020
1 parent fbf3694 commit 2fba43f
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Showing 2 changed files with 342 additions and 0 deletions.
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions Sources/Vapor/Security/OTP.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
import Crypto

/// Supported OTP output sizes.
public enum OTPDigits: Int {
/// Six digits OTP.
case six = 6
/// Seven digits OTP.
case seven = 7
/// Eight digits OTP.
case eight = 8

/// Returns 10^digit.
fileprivate var pow: UInt32 {
switch self {
case .six: return 1_000_000
case .seven: return 10_000_000
case .eight: return 100_000_000

/// Supported OTP digests.
public enum OTPDigest {
/// The SHA-1 digest.
case sha1
/// The SHA-256 digest.
case sha256
/// The SHA-512 digest.
case sha512

internal protocol OTP {
/// The key used to calculate the HMAC.
var key: SymmetricKey { get }
/// The number of digits to generate.
var digits: OTPDigits { get }
/// A hash function used to calculate HMAC's.
var digest: OTPDigest { get }

internal extension OTP {
/// Generate the OTP based on a counter.
/// - Parameter counter: The counter to generate the OTP for.
/// - Returns: The generated OTP as `String`.
func generate<H: HashFunction>(
_ h: H,
counter: UInt64
) -> String {
let hmac = Data(HMAC<H>.authenticationCode(for:, using: self.key))
// Get the last 4 bits of the HMAC for use as offset
let offset = Int((hmac.last ?? 0x00) & 0x0f)
// Get 4 bytes of the HMAC using the offset
let data = hmac.subdata(in: offset ..< offset + 4)
// Convert to UInt32
var number = data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: UInt32.self ) }.bigEndian
// Remove most significant bit
number &= 0x7fffffff
number = number % self.digits.pow

let strNum = String(number)
if strNum.count == self.digits.rawValue { return strNum }
return String(repeatElement("0", count: digits.rawValue - strNum.count)) + strNum

/// Generates a range of OTP's.
/// - Note: This function will automatically wrap the counter by using integer overflow.
/// - Parameters:
/// - counter: The 'main' counter.
/// - range: The number of codes to generate in both the forward and backward direction. This number must be bigger than 0.
/// For example, if `range` is `2`, a total of `5` codes will be returned: The main code, the two codes prior to the main code and the two codes after the main code.
/// - size: The size of the offset. This is particularly useful for TOTP's, as it allows to specify the interval as size.
/// - Returns: All the generated OTP's in an array.
func generateOTPs<H: HashFunction>(
_ h: H, counter: UInt64,
range: Int,
size: Int = 1
) -> [String] {
precondition(range > 0, "Cannot generate range of OTP's for range \(range). Range must be greater than 0")

return (-range ... range).map { $0 * size }.map {
let offset = $0 >= 0 ? counter &+ UInt64($0) : counter &- UInt64(-$0)
return generate(h, counter: offset)

/// Generate the HOTP based on the counter.
/// - Parameter counter: The counter to generate the HOTP for.
/// - Returns: The generated HOTP as `String`.
func _generate(
counter: UInt64
) -> String {
switch self.digest {
case .sha1: return generate(Insecure.SHA1(), counter: counter)
case .sha256: return generate(SHA256(), counter: counter)
case .sha512: return generate(SHA512(), counter: counter)

/// Generates several TOTP's for a range.
/// - Note: This function will automatically wrap the counter by using integer overflow. This might provide some odd behaviour when near the start time or near the max time.
/// - Parameters:
/// - counter: The 'main' counter.
/// - range: The number of codes to generate in both the forward and backward direction. This number must be bigger than 0.
/// - size: The size of the offset. This is particularly useful for TOTP's, as it allows to specify the interval as size.
/// For example, if `range` is `2`, a total of `5` codes will be returned: The main code, the two codes prior to the main code and the two codes after the main code.
/// - Returns: All the generated OTP's in an array.
func _generate(
counter: UInt64,
range: Int,
size: Int = 1
) -> [String] {
switch self.digest {
case .sha1: return generateOTPs(Insecure.SHA1(), counter: counter, range: range, size: size)
case .sha256: return generateOTPs(SHA256(), counter: counter, range: range, size: size)
case .sha512: return generateOTPs(SHA512(), counter: counter, range: range, size: size)

/// Create a one-time password using hash-based message authentication codes.
/// let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits128)
/// let code = HOTP.SHA1(key: key).generate(counter: 0)
/// print(code) "208503"
/// See `TOTP` for time-based one-time passwords.
public struct HOTP: OTP {
let key: SymmetricKey
let digits: OTPDigits
let digest: OTPDigest

/// Initialize the HOTP object.
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: The key.
/// - digest: The digest to use.
/// - digits: The number of digits to generate.
public init(
key: SymmetricKey,
digest: OTPDigest,
digits: OTPDigits = .six
) {
self.key = key
self.digits = digits
self.digest = digest

/// Generate the HOTP based on the counter.
/// - Parameter counter: The counter to generate the HOTP for.
/// - Returns: The generated HOTP as `String`.
public func generate(
counter: UInt64
) -> String {
_generate(counter: counter)

/// Generates several HOTP's for a range.
/// - Note: This function will automatically wrap the counter by using integer overflow.
/// - Parameters:
/// - counter: The 'main' counter.
/// - range: The number of codes to generate in both the forward and backward direction. This number must be bigger than 0.
/// For example, if `range` is `2`, a total of `5` codes will be returned: The main code, the two codes prior to the main code and the two codes after the main code.
/// - Returns: All the generated OTP's in an array.
public func generate(
counter: UInt64,
range: Int
) -> [String] {
_generate(counter: counter, range: range)

/// Compute the HOTP for the key and the counter.
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: The key.
/// - digest: The digest to use.
/// - digits: The number of digits to produce.
/// - counter: The counter to generate the HOTP for.
/// - Returns: The generated HOTP as `String`.
public static func generate(
key: SymmetricKey,
digest: OTPDigest,
digits: OTPDigits = .six,
counter: UInt64
) -> String {
return Self.init(key: key, digest: digest, digits: digits).generate(counter: counter)

/// Create a one-time password using hash-based message authentication codes
/// and taking uniqueness from the time.
/// let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits128)
/// let code = TOTP.SHA1(key: key).generate(time: Date())
/// print(code) "501247"
/// See `HOTP` for hash-based one-time passwords.
public struct TOTP: OTP {
let key: SymmetricKey
let digits: OTPDigits
let digest: OTPDigest
/// The time interval to generate the TOTP on.
let interval: Int

/// Initialize the TOTP object.
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: The key.
/// - digest: The digest to use.
/// - digits: The number of digits to generate.
/// - interval: The interval in seconds to generate the TOTP for.
public init(
key: SymmetricKey,
digest: OTPDigest,
digits: OTPDigits = .six,
interval: Int = 30
) {
precondition(interval > 0, "Cannot generate TOTP for invalid interval \(interval). Interval must be greater that 0")
self.key = key
self.digits = digits
self.digest = digest
self.interval = interval

/// Generate the TOTP based on a time.
/// - Parameter time: The time to generate the TOTP for.
/// - Returns: The generated TOTP as `String`.
public func generate(
time: Date
) -> String {
let secondsPast1970 = Int(floor(time.timeIntervalSince1970))
let counter = Int(floor(Double(secondsPast1970) / Double(self.interval)))
return _generate(counter: UInt64(counter))

/// Generates several TOTP's for a range.
/// - Note: This function will automatically create the previous and next TOTP's for a range based on the interval. For example, if the interval is `30` and the range is `2`, the result will be calculated for `[-1min, -30sec, 0, 30sec, 1min]`.
/// - Note: This function will automatically wrap the counter by using integer overflow. This might provide some odd behaviour when near the start time or near the max time.
/// - Parameters:
/// - counter: The 'main' counter.
/// - range: The number of codes to generate in both the forward and backward direction. This number must be bigger than 0.
/// For example, if `range` is `2`, a total of `5` codes will be returned: The main code, the two codes prior to the main code and the two codes after the main code.
/// - Returns: All the generated OTP's in an array.
public func generate(
time: Date,
range: Int
) -> [String] {
let secondsPast1970 = Int(floor(time.timeIntervalSince1970))
let counter = Int(floor(Double(secondsPast1970) / Double(self.interval)))
return _generate(counter: UInt64(counter), range: range, size: self.interval)

/// Compute the TOTP for the key, time interval and time.
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: The key.
/// - digest: The digest to use.
/// - digits: The number of digits to generate.
/// - interval: The interval in seconds to generate the TOTP for.
/// - time: The time to generate the TOTP for.
/// - Returns: The generated TOTP as `String`.
public static func generate(
key: SymmetricKey,
digest: OTPDigest,
digits: OTPDigits = .six,
interval: Int = 30,
time: Date
) -> String {
return Self.init(key: key, digest: digest, digits: digits, interval: interval).generate(time: time)

fileprivate extension FixedWidthInteger {
/// The raw data representing the integer.
var data: Data {
var copy = self
return .init(bytes: &copy, count: MemoryLayout<Self>.size)
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions Tests/VaporTests/SecurityTests.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import Vapor
import XCTest

final class OTPTests: XCTestCase {
/// Basic TOTP tests using some RFC 6238 test vectors.
func testTOTPBasic() {
let time = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 59)
var key: SymmetricKey

// SHA-1 test
key = SymmetricKey(data: "12345678901234567890".data(using: .ascii)!)
let sha1OTP = TOTP(key: key, digest: .sha1, digits: .eight, interval: 30).generate(time: time)
XCTAssertEqual(sha1OTP, "94287082")

// SHA-256 test
key = SymmetricKey(data: "12345678901234567890123456789012".data(using: .ascii)!)
let sha256OTP = TOTP(key: key, digest: .sha256, digits: .eight, interval: 30).generate(time: time)
XCTAssertEqual(sha256OTP, "46119246")

// SHA-512 test
key = SymmetricKey(data: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234".data(using: .ascii)!)
let sha512OTP = TOTP(key: key, digest: .sha512, digits: .eight, interval: 30).generate(time: time)
XCTAssertEqual(sha512OTP, "90693936")


/// Basic TOTP test using the range, copied from Vapor 3.
func testTOTPRange() {
let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits128)
let codes = TOTP(key: key, digest: .sha1).generate(time: Date(), range: 1)
XCTAssertEqual(codes.count, 3)

/// A HOTP test vector.
typealias HOTPTest = (counter: UInt64, otp: String)

/// Basic HOTP tests using RFC 4226 test vectors.
func testHOTPBasic() {
let tests: [HOTPTest] = [
(0, "755224"),
(1, "287082"),
(2, "359152"),
(3, "969429"),
(4, "338314"),
(5, "254676"),
(6, "287922"),
(7, "162583"),
(8, "399871"),
(9, "520489")

let key = SymmetricKey(data: "12345678901234567890".data(using: .ascii)!)

for test in tests {
let hotp = HOTP(key: key, digest: .sha1).generate(counter: test.counter)
XCTAssertEqual(hotp, test.otp)

func testHOTPRange() {
let key = SymmetricKey(size: .bits128)
let codes = HOTP(key: key, digest: .sha1).generate(counter: 10, range: 1)
XCTAssertEqual(codes.count, 3)

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