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An unofficial, open-access FAQ for Forge World's 'Doom of Mymeara, 2nd Edition' Game book

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Variance Hammer's Unofficial Doom of Mymeara FAQ and Errata


The purpose of this document is to provide an up-to-date, living compendium of rules clarifications and errata for Forge World's Imperial Armour: Doom of Mymeara book. This document is in no way official, but rather represents one fan's attempt to address some of the inconsistencies within the book.

If you're interested in a review of the Doom of Mymeara, please check out the following posts on the Variance Hammer blog:


I'd welcome additional questions, evidence, and discussion of these answers. There are a number of ways to contribute to this document:

  • If you have a GitHub account, feel free issue a pull request adding new content, or file an issue if you have a question or would like to prompt a discussion.
  • If you don't have a GitHub account, you can email me at or reach me on Twitter @VarianceHammer.

Guiding Principles

One of the things I often lament about FAQs is that, when there's a ruling, that interpretation is treated as the natural and clearly correct conclusion, without any insight as to how the decision was arrived at. That keeps whatever debate was taking place alive, and it doesn't allow for a real understanding of intent, or any sort of general principle behind the decision.

So I'm not going to do that. Instead, the decisions in this document are made based on the following principles, from the most important to the least (i.e. if the first one is available, it trumps everything else):

  • Official word from Forge World, in the form of an email, PDF or other document.
  • "As In Another Codex" - if there's a similar rule or piece of wargear in another codex, or an analogy to be drawn from another codex.
  • "Majority Rules" - if there's multiple instances of a rule that conflict with one another, the interpretation that appears the majority of the time should be kept.
  • "Maximum Carnage" - rule in favor of the interpretation that favors the most killing. This can also be considered Orky Rulemakin.

Imperial Units

Q: Does General Myndoras Odon have the Senior Officer rule, allowing him to issue all the orders available to a Guard officer?

A: Yes. By the rules, Odon replaces a senior officer in a company command squad, and logically that should mean that Odon should be considered a "Senior Officer+", and should come with Senior Officer. This is how Creed works in the AM Codex, and Odon is pretty much a mini-Creed.

General Eldar

Q: There are no rules in the book for Agile and Void Hardened. What do these rules mean?

A: Agile and Void Hardened can be found in other books. Agile increases the cover save granted by Jink by +1 (per, and Void Hardened rules apply in Zone Mortalis missions (see: and largely negate the Cold Void & Poisoned Air rules present in some scenarios.

Q: The rules for the D-flail are inconsistent. In the Craftworld entry, it reads "A weapon with this special rule rolls on the Destroyer table and subtracts -1 from the result (to a minimum of 1)", while in the Corsair entry and the appendix in the back, it reads "When rolling on the Destroyer Weapons Attack table, this weapon counts all rolls of 6 (Devastating Hit/Deathblow) as a 5 (Solid Hit/Serious Wound) result instead." These are subtly different - which one should be used?

A: The interpretation in the Craftworld section should be used, wherein the result is simply D-1.

Q: As part of the Mymeara Guardian Host and the Pale Courts Battlehost, one of the requirements is a Warlock Council. Is that supposed to say Warlock Conclave?

A: Yes.

Craftworld Eldar Units

Q: Irillyth has Acute Senses but not Outflank or a rule that confers Outflank. Is this an error?

A: No. Like with the Space Wolves, having Acute Senses doesn't inherently convey Outflank, but as there are ways of granting Outflank to a unit without it, the unit still benefits from having Acute Senses.

Q: The Craftworld Lynx has the range of the Salvo option for the Lynx Pulsar as 24". Is this correct?

A: No. Both the Corsair Lynx and the reference table in the back for the Lynx Pulsar lists the range of the gun at 48". The Craftworld Lynx should have the same range.

Q: The utility of the Webway Shunt Generator on the Wraithknight is unclear - Jump Gargantuan Creatures can already move 12" ignoring terrain, so is the sole purpose the odd edge case where the scatter will be useful, or for entering Ongoing Reserves?

A: No. Apparently this is an error (see this Reddit thread). The redeploy range should apparently be 18", rather than 12". Also note that this redeployment can be made while the Wraithknight is locked in combat.

Q: The book includes an army list entry for a corsair fire storm tank, but there is no army list entry for a fire storm tank in an eldar army. Is this a deliberate omission or an oversight? Is the fire storm tank only available to a corsair army? or can you take it with an eldar army, with access to eldar vehicle wargear?

A: Forge World has suggested they left the Fire Storm in for compatibility with people who still have that model. I have no reason to believe that the omission from the Craftworld units is anything other than an oversight. My suggestion would be to use the Corsair version, swapping the Corsair wargear for Craftworld wargear. Examples of how to do this are found throughout the book.

Q: The shadow spectres holofield wargear has some updated wording which specifies that the cover saves DO stack with stealth and shrouded, but NOT with terrain or fortifications. However, the holofield description for Irillyth still uses the old wording which says that the cover saves do NOT stack with stealth, shrouded, terrain or fortifications. I presume that this is a typo and that in fact Irillyth shares the same updated holofield rules as the shadow spectres.

Referring back to the older edition of Doom of Mymeara, the "old" wording is in fact for an invulnerable save, not a cover save at all. Both descriptions are thus "new", though it is likely that their contradiction is in error.

That they are a cover save that doesn't benefit from otherwise being in cover, but does benefit from Stealth and Shrouded seems like the more permissive of the two choices, and the one that is more like other "X ability gives a Y+ cover save."

Eldar Corsair Units

Q: Should an Eldar Corsair army treat Harlequins as Battle Brothers?

A: Yes. Harlequins not being listed as Battle Brothers is assumed to be an omission. Harlequins treat Corsairs as Battle Brothers, all other Eldar factions uniformly treat each other as Battle Brothers, and there's no other instance of an asymmetrical allies matrix in 40K.

Q: Can Corsair units use Reckless Abandon to move after firing in Overwatch?

A: Yes. The rule says nothing about being restricted to the shooting phase, but rather making a shooting attack, which happens during Overwatch. Note that this is in contradiction to the current ITC rules, which were voted on and presumably are more about game balance than any ambiguity that exists.

Q: The Corsair Prince is limited to three psychic Mastery Levels, but he can only take one additional level. Is this in error?

A: No. You should assume this limit exists to future-proof against an item that grants levels, an unexpected combination, etc.

Q: On page 158 it says that "A Corsair Prince who is upgraded to a Psyker may select powers from the Divination or Telekinesis Disciplines" Then on page 161 for the Void Dreamer entry it says " An Eldar Corsair Void Dreamer must always select at least one power from the Aethermancy Discipline...and may choose to select additional powers from the Divination or Telekinesis Disciplines." In both these entries it says "select" instead of "generate", are we suppose to infer this means we can individually choose which powers we want from those tables instead of randomly generating or rolling for them?

A: No. Outside of assigned powers, like Bel-Annath, there is very little support in the game at present for being able to pick and choose one's psychic powers. From the main rulebook: "“In some Army List Entries, a Psyker will have one or more specific psychic powers listed – where this is the case, it will be clearly stated. These Psykers always start the game with those psychic powers. Otherwise, a Psyker generates random psychic powers from amongst the psychic disciplines known to him.” Note there isn't an allowance for the type of mechanism being proposed, only assigned powers or random generation. I would suggest that the verb "select" in this case refers to choosing which disciplines to draw from, not the powers within those disciplines. Or, if one is feeling truly pedantic, noting that "random draw" is a form of selection.

Q: The Corsair Prince's Weilder of Profane Powers special rule states that it gives him and all other Wild Psykers access to Malefic Daemonology powers but, per the general rule book, all psykers already have access to this table. My assumption is that the authors meant that if the prince takes this rule all Wild Psykers can cast Malefic powers as though they were daemons and not suffer the Perils of the Warp penalty. Otherwise there would really be little reason to take the Rule.

A: Despite reports of an email to Forge World claiming support for this particular interpretation, I believe the answer is No. In the original Corsair Prince entry, it reads: "A Corsair prince who is upgraded to a Psyker may select powers from the Divination or Telekinesis disciplines" while the Daemonology rule says "Unless otherwise stated, all Psykers, other than those belonging to the Tyranids Faction, can generate powers from the Daemonology discipline". Specifying the Divination and Telekinesis disciplines to be drawn from fulfill "Unless otherwise stated".


An unofficial, open-access FAQ for Forge World's 'Doom of Mymeara, 2nd Edition' Game book






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