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Variational SDK for Python



1. Create API credentials

Navigate to the API settings page at

Variational / Settings / API

Add a descriptive label, create your key, and make sure to save the secret as it's only displayed once.

2. Install Python SDK

pip install variational

3. Make some requests!

from variational import Client, TESTNET
from pprint import pprint

# FIXME: load from environment variables
API_KEY = "your-api-key"
API_SECRET = "your-api-secret"

client = Client(API_KEY, API_SECRET, base_url=TESTNET)
summary = client.get_portfolio_summary().result

Client parameters:

  • key: str (required) — your API key
  • secret: str (required) — your API secret
  • base_url: str (optional) — prefix of Variational API endpoints
  • request_timeout: float (default=None) — timeout for individual HTTP requests
  • retry_rate_limits: bool (default=True) — enables automatic retry on HTTP 429 errors

4. Explore

Visit Endpoint Reference to learn which API calls are supported.

Read about the Pagination mechanism used by Variational API.

Learn how Rate Limits and Authentication are applied to your calls.