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Libraries - Ansible Playbooks

David Williamson @ Varilink Computing Ltd

A library of Ansible playbooks that is reused as a Git submodule across multiple projects. The usual vehicle for reuse in Ansible is Ansible roles, however we also share Ansible playbooks across more than one project repository as follows:

  1. We use our Services - Ansible repository to manage the core services across our server estate. This uses our main hosts inventory. We simulate that host inventory in the now and to-be test environments within our Services - Docker repository.

    Since playbooks are essentially a mapping between hosts and roles, the same playbooks are used in those two repositories, indeed this is fundamental to the value of testing in the Services - Docker repository. We use common aliases for the hosts in our server estate and in the now and to-be test environments so that the playbooks in this repository can be used in both by referring to these aliases.

  2. Many of the playbooks in this repository are used in multiple, mainly WordPress, website projects. Each of those website projects provides project specific Ansible variables via group_vars/ and host_vars/ directories, which are then used by the common, website project specific playbooks in this repository to make them applicable to each of these projects.


This repository contains the following playbooks in its root folder. As described above, playbooks are either used to manage the Varilink core services (type=serivces) or within WordPress website projects (type=project).

Playbook Type Description
bootstrap-server.yml services Bootstraps an office server, that is not a Cloud server nor based on a Raspberry Pi image.
configure-domain-mail.yml project Configures the email service for a project domain.
copy-certificate.yml project Copies a LetsEncrypt SSL certificate from one host to another.
copy-wordpress-site.yml project Copies a WordPress site, can change the subdomain and be within host or from one host to another.
create-wordpress-site.yml project Creates a WordPress site.
delete-wordpress-site.yml project Deletes a WordPress site.
install-services-portal.yml services Installs a portal to securely expose information about office network hosted services externally.
install-services.yml services Installs the base Varilink services; backup, DNS, monitoring, WordPress hosting, etc.
link-backups-to-dropbox.yml services Links a host to Dropbox for integration with backup services.
put-wordpress-site-into-maintenance-mode.yml project Puts a WordPress site into maintenance mode.
run-wp-cli-command.yml project Run a WP-CLI command against a WordPress site.
run-wp-cli-script.yml project Run a WP-CLI script against a WordPress site.
stop-services.yml services Stops the base Varilink services; backup, DNS, monitoring, WordPress hosting, etc.
take-wordpress-site-out-of-maintenance-mode.yml project Takes a WordPress site out of maintenance mode.

The common-tasks/, files/ and templates/ folder contains task lists, files and templates that are shared across two or more of these playbook.


Add this repository as a submodule of other repositories that will use it, with a path within those other projects of playbooks/. Then, link group_vars/ and host_vars/ directories from those other project within the root directory of this repository, i.e. within that playbooks/ directory.

Also, install the Libraries - Ansible Roles repository as a submodule of those other repositories, with a path of roles/. Create an ansible.cfg file in the root directory of your project to maintain ./roles relative to that root directory as the roles_path. You can the execute these playbooks from the root directory of any other repository that uses them via:

ansible-playbook ./playbooks/PLAYBOOK

Where PLAYBOOK is provided by this repository and is one of the playbooks listed above. More detailed usage instructions follow for each individual playbook.


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*** OUT OF DATE ***
The usage instructions for this playbook are out of date, as is the function of the playbook itself.
*** OUT OF DATE ***

This playbook copies the LetsEncrypt certificate for a FQDN - for example, - from one host to another host. This is useful because sometimes, if I am moving a website from one host to another host the process that I follow is:

  1. Setup the website on the new host.

  2. Modify the Varilink Computing Ltd office DNS service to direct requests to the website to the new host for testing purposes, while external to our office the website still resolves to the hold host.

  3. If all is well, update our external DNS service to resolve the website to the new host.

At stage two, I can't use LetsEncrypt to install a certificate on the new host because it will fail the HTTP-01 challenge, so we workaround this by copying the existing certificate across.

When running this playbook, you must provide the target_host as via --extra-vars; for example:

ansible-playbook --extra-vars target_host=prod4 ./playbooks/copy-certificate.yml

The playbook will prompt for the subdomain to act upon. Alternatively you can also provide this via --extra-vars; for example:

ansible-playbook --extra-vars target_host=prod4 --extra-vars subdomain=www ./playbooks/copy-certificate.yml

The domain_name should be configured within the project's Ansible variable files. The playbook will look for the certificate to copy on every host within the wordpress inventory group with the exception of the target_host. You can of course limit the playbook's actions to only the required hosts, which are the target_host, the host that you know the certificate already exists on and the localhost; for example:

ansible-playbook --extra-vars target_host=prod4 --extra-vars subdomain=www --limit=prod3,prod4,localhost ./playbooks/copy-certificate.yml


*** OUT OF DATE ***
The usage instructions for this playbook are out of date, as is the function of the playbook itself.
*** OUT OF DATE ***

This playbook makes a copy of a WordPress site to another subdomain for the same domain and on the same host; for example makes a copy of to on the same host. By copy we mean that the new WordPress site will be identical, except that the change in subdomain will be reflected in both its database and its wp-config.php file.

The example given above reflects a common usage scenario for this playbook; for example as follows:

  1. is hosted on prod3 and we want to move it to prod4.

  2. We create on prod4 and develop and test it until we are confident that it's ready to replace the existing

  3. We copy on prod4 to, also on prod4, ahead of making the DNS change to make it the new, live

To run this playbook; for example:

ansible-playbook --limit=prod4 ./playbooks/copy-subdomain.yml

Note that since this playbook works on one host only, you should use --limit as above to target the relevant, specific host.

The playbook will prompt for three variables:

  • current_subdomain; for example preprod
  • to_be_subdomain; for example www
  • to_be_port; for example 8084

The value for to_be_port should be a port that is not already used on the host, which can be determined by examination of /etc/apache2/ports.conf on that host.

Of course, these variables can also be set using --extra-vars on the command line.


To be completed


To be completed


To be completed


To be completed


To be completed


To be completed


To be completed


Runs a WP-CLI script against a WordPress site. The script can either be specific to the project or one of the shared scripts from the Libraries - WP CLI Scripts repository.

When you run this playbook, it will prompt for the name of the script to run if that hasn't been provided via --extra-vars; for example like this:

ansible-playbook --limit=gateway --extra-vars wp_cli_script=init ./playbooks/run-wp-cli-script.yml

The .sh extension will be added to the name to determine the name of script file to look for. In the example above the script file will be searched for; first in the directory wordpress/scripts, which must be the path for project scripts, and then in the directory wordpress/varilink-scripts, which must be the path for shared scripts. The wordpress/varilink-scripts directory will only be searched if the script is not found in the wordpress/scripts directory.


To be completed


To be completed


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