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The library was inspired by apns4ex and much of the source code has been used as a bootstrap for this lib.

The HTTP wrapper has been heavily inspired by carnivalmobile/gcm.


This library is a work in progress and it's API is subject to change till v0.1, please consider use of == ver operator rather than ~> ver when requiring gcm4ex as a dependency or your application may be broken with next release of the library.


  1. Add gcm to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:gcm, "== 0.0.2"}] end

  2. Ensure gcm is started before your application:

    def application do [applications: [:gcm]] end


Config the GCM app and define pools

config :gcm,
  # Here are pools configs. Any value from "global" config can be overwritten in any single pool config
  success_callback_module: GCM.Callbacks.SuccessHandler,
  error_callback_module: GCM.Callbacks.ErrorHandler,
  batch_size: 1000,
  pools: [
    # app1_dev_pool is the pool_name
    app1_dev_pool: [
      pool_size: 10,
      pool_max_overflow: 5,
      # and this is overwritten config key
      key: "my gcm api key"
    app1_prod_pool: [
      key: "my gcm api key"
      pool_size: 100,
      pool_max_overflow: 50

Config keys

Name Default value Description
success_callback_module GCM.Callbacks.SuccessHandler This module receive request and response data on success
error_callback_module* GCM.Callbacks.ErrorHandler This module receive request and response data on error
batch_size 1000 Number of registration ids to send with each multicast request**
pools [] List of pools to start

* Google do not allow more than 1000 registration ids to be sent in the same request!

Pool keys

Pool key Description
key GCM API key
pool_size Maximum pool size
pool_max_overflow Extra workers created if pool_size has been reached

All pools defined in config will be started automatically

From here and now you can start pushing your PNs via GCM.push/2 and GCM.push/3

Handle responses

The library comes with default callback modules that do logging. You might be fine with the default error_callback_module but you'd want to write your own success_callback_module. It need to handle the following response keys by updating your database.

Name Action Example
canonical_ids update [%{old: "reg1", new: "newreg1"}]
invalid_registration_ids delete invalid_registration_ids: ["reg2"]
not_registered_ids delete not_registered_ids: ["reg3"]
deletable_registration_ids* delete deletable_registration_ids: ["reg2", "reg3"]

* deletable_registration_ids is a concatenation of invalid_registration_ids and not_registered_ids. There should not be duplicates but it's not guaranteed by the lib. If you don't need to distinguish between invalid and not registered ids you can ignore these keys and only use deletable_registration_ids.

[{:ok, %{
  status_code: 200,
  success: 2,
  failure: 0,
  body: "{}",
  canonical_ids: [],
  invalid_registration_ids: [],
  not_registered_ids: [],
  headers: [{"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},]

See for more info

Basic Usage

Example using the notification payload:

message =
  |> Map.put(:notification, %GCM.Message.Notification{title: "Hello world!"})
  |> Map.put(:data, %{"post_id" => "23"})

GCM.push(:app1_dev_pool, message)

Example using the custom data structs:

message = Map.put(, :data, %{"my-custom-key" => "Hello world!"})
GCM.push(:app1_dev_pool, message)

Send un-supervised, one-off push messages

The supervised, pooled GCM.push\2 is probably what you want to use in your app but if you just want to play around with push messages from the console it can be convenient to use the bare GCM.Sender.push function:

A successful push looks like this:

iex> GCM.Sender.push("api_key", ["registration_id1", "registration_id2"], %{notification: %{title: "Hello!"}})

If the push failed the return is {:error, reason} where reason will include more information on what failed.

More info here: