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The "EasyRank" Web App

EasyRank - defense project for ASP.NET Advanced course at SoftUni (October 2022).

✏️ Overview

Easy Rank is a website for creating rank type pages.

Users can view / create / edit / delete 'Rank Pages' which contain N number of 'Rank Entries' for the specified topic.

Users can also comment on these pages and leave a like on them if desired.

  • All users can browse the site freely
  • All authorized users can leave comments, like the page or create their own ranking
  • Authorized users can change their password, email, names, username and avatars (includes emails with SendGrid)
  • Liked pages, created pages, and comments are saved for authorized users
  • Pages / entries / comments may be edited or deleted only by their creator or by the administrator
  • Administrators have full access to the site. Editing deleting pages or entries or comments or even users. Admins can make other users admins

🎭 User Types

Administrator - user with privileges

  • Create, read, edit, delete all pages, entries, comments or users on the site
  • See all ranks
  • See all entries
  • See all comments
  • See all users

User - logged-in user

  • Create pages, entries or comments and edit or delete them.
  • Users can manage only content they created!
  • Exception with comments on their page - those can be deleted if innappropriate content is posted

Anonymous - users without an account

  • Read all pages on the site.

🔨 Built With

  • ASP.NET Core 6
    • Database layer wtih 4 entity models
    • UI layer with 7 controllers + 6 more in the “Admin” area
    • Service layer with 7 services
    • Test layer for services and controllers with 200+ tests
    • 40 views + 9 partial views
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • AutoMapper
  • TempData messages
  • NUnit
  • SendGrid for emails
  • Working deploy to Azure

📸 Screenshots

main-page-not-logged-in login-page register-page main-page-logged-in main-page-admin admin-all-ranks admin-all-entries admin-all-comments admin-all-users account-confirm-page forgot-password-page edit-own-rank delete-own-rank all-ranks edit-rank delete-rank rank-page-one rank-page-two edit-entry delete-entry comments comment-edit commend-delete account-settings change-email change-password my-ranks my-likes

📋 Test Coverage


🔧 DB Diagram
