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A RESTful HTTP API for JSON storage, integrating with Gluu for identity management, authentication, and authorization


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README for Qvarn

This source tree contains an implementation of the Qvarn RESTful HTTPS+JSON backend for the services originally developed by Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy and now maintained and further developed by QvarnLabs AB. For details of the API, see documentation in the docs/qvarn-api-doc directory.

This README contains an introduction to the code, aimed at the people who develop and/or deploy the code.


Qvarn stores structured data annd provides secure, controlled access to it. A gross simplification would be that Qvarn is a database, accessed over a RESTful HTTP API, with a good authentication and authorization system.

Qvarn deals with data in JSON form and is used by applications via an HTTP API, with access control using OpenID Connect and OAuth2. Various authentication methods, including strong ones, are provided by Gluu and these can be added and adapted for local needs.

The resource types Qvarn knows about are configurable (via YAML files in resource_type/*.yaml and installed as /etc/qvarn/*.yaml), making Qvarn suitable to various application domains. Applications may be written in any language, using any framework, as long as they can use HTTP over TLS.

Development environment

You need various tools to develop and/or run the software.

  • pycodestyle and pylint static checkers for Python code. (Debian packages have those names.)
  • flup, an implementation of the Python Web Server Gateway Interface. Debian package is python-flup.
  • PyJWT, JWT token encoding and decoding tools. Debian package is python-jwt.
  • python-cryptography, Python cryptography tools. Debian package is python-cryptography.
  • Bottle, Python Web Framework. Debian package is python-bottle.

Most of these tools are installed automatically, the only thing you need to do is to run make.

Unfortunatelly some tools are not available on, you need to download those packages manually and run PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=path/to/index make in order for things to work.

Here is the list of packages that are not available in

Once make successfuly done its job, you can run qvarn using qvarn-run command.

By default qvarn-run expects a running postgres database under localhost with qvarn as user, password and database name. You run get this using Docker:

$ docker run --rm --name qvarn-postgres -p 5432:5432 \
      -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=qvarn \
      -e POSTGRES_USER=qvarn \
      -e POSTGRES_DB=qvarn \
      -d postgres:9.4-alpine

Once database is running, you need to create database tables:

$ qvarn-run --prepare-storage

And then you can run Qvarn:

$ qvarn-run

By default qvarn-run pick a random available port and uses a temporary directory where dinamically generated configuration and keys are stored. And alsy, by default qvarn-run uses ./resource_type for resource type definitions.

You can specify a port, base directory and specdir like this:

$ qvarn-run --port 9000 -d /tmp/qvarn -r my/restypes

Also you can override all Qvarn configuration variables using environment variables (QVARN_<section>_<option>=<value>) and command line flags (-o <section>.<option>=<value>). See Configuration section for more information.

qvarn-run uses uWSGI for running Qvarn with self-signed SSL certificate. Be aware that qvarn-run uses only HTTPS and there is no HTTP option.

By default qvarn-run logs everyting to stdout, but you can change that with --logto option.

You can use --daemonize to run Qvarn in background. If --logto is not specified logs will be written to --base-dir under uwsgi.log filename.

By default qvarn-run automatically generated RSA key pair and uses those keys to create and validate access tokens. This way, you can use Qvarn without Gluu. You can get access token using this command:

$ qvarn-run --port 9000 -d /tmp/qvarn --daemonize

$ http -f :9000/auth/token grant_type=client_credentials scope=uapi_orgs_get

Also for your convinience, access token with all available scopes is generated automatically and you can find it in base dir under token file name. Since all available scopes are included, this token can be quite large.

If like, you can run Qvarn with Gluu by using --gluu flag, for example:

$ qvarn-run --gluu

In this case RSA keys will not be generated and the only way to get access token is through Gluu. For example:

$ http -f -a 'clientid:secret' \
       grant_type=client_credentials scope=uapi_orgs_get

There is also an option to run Qvarn using SQLite database, but this option is not fully compatible, so use it at your own risk. To run Qvarn with SQLite:

$ qvarn-run -o database.type=sqlite

This command will automatically creates database file in base dir under sqlite.db name. You can change it with -o database.file=path/to.db.

Building and running unit tests

The code is pure Python, and as such does not need building. However, the ./check script runs unit tests, and the static Python checkers pycodestyle and pylint.

Before merging into the integration branch, ./check must pass.

There is also make test option, that will take care of all the dependencies need in order to run tests.

There is also a tox.ini that allows you to use tox to run the tests against multiple Python versions (including multiple Python 3 versions -- make test currently tests only one Python 2 and one Python 3 version).

Integration tests

The API document contains integration tests ("yarns"). These are run from the docs/qvarn-api-doc directory, but there is make test-postgres, that automates whole thing by using qvarn-run command and run-yarn-tests script.

Running integration tests on Python 3 can be done with make test-postgres-py3. And you can run both with make test-postgres-all.

Also you can run make test-sqlite in order to run tests with SQLite database, but at the moment some tests fail, because SQLite backend is not fully supported and is mainly used for testing purposes.

Also you can run yarn tests using a remote Qvarn and Gluu, in order to do this, first you need to create ~/.config/qvarn/createtoken.conf with contents like this:

client_id = G00G00G000
client_secret = thisisveryverysecrethushhush

In other words, it's an INI file with a section named after the URL of the Qvarn instance that runs (not the associated Gluu instance). The client id and secret are set up in the Gluu instance associated with the API instance.

Then you can run integration tests like this:

cd docs/qvarn-api-doc

where is the Qvarn API instance being tested.

See the documentation for yarn for more options. yarn is part of the cmdtest package (see home page). You need at least version 0.27.

Writing unit tests

Unit tests are run using py.test. It can be found at

Coding style

Qvarn is written in a common language subset of Python 2 and Python 3 (the six module helps with that).

Code must be formatted according to PEP8. The ./check script runs a tool to check for many formatting and other style details.

Code must be kept clean. The ./check script runs pylint to check for many mistakes; it can also find some actual errors, such as missing parameters. However, pylint is sometimes over-eager in its checks, and so ./check turns off some warnings. The script documents the reasons for those.

Any strings that are meant for containing text, both literals and values, MUST be Unicode strings. That means literals should be in the form of u'this is Unicode', with the leading u.

Implementation architecture

The backend consists of the qvarn-backend program. It handles all resource types. Most of the code is in a Python library qvarn, containing the following major classes:

  • BackendApplication --- the main program of the application: command line parsing, starting of the HTTP server. This class is parameterised, not subclassed. The main parameters are the resources to serve, and the the routes that the resource provides.
  • ListResource, SimpleResource --- classes to provide the two kinds of resources. ListResource provides code for resources that manage a set of items (such as persons or organisations). Such resources are mostly identical to each other, except for details such as item type and allowed fields. SimpleResource provides for simpler resources such as /version. Both these classes are parameterised, instead of subclassed.
  • Database --- all the code talking directly to the database; this provides a fairly light abstraction providing only the functionality we use (or are meant to use).
  • ReadOnlyStorage, WriteOnlyStorage --- store and retrieve simple Python dictionary objects representing the kinds of items that the API deal with. Basically, these are very trivial ORMs that map JSON-like Python objects into rows in relation databases. Reading and writing are kept explicitly separate to implement an architecture where writes all go into one database instance, which gets replicated to any number of read-only databases. By keeping the classes separate, it is slightly difficult to accidentally write to the wrong place.
  • StoragePreparer --- manage database schemas and migrations. The class maintains a sequence of preparation steps. Every time we make a schema change, we add another step, which makes the relevant changes: adds or removes tables or columns, and fills new columns and tables with the correct data. Every database instance goes through the same sequence, even if it is brand new. This should guarantee we can always migrate to a newer version, with minimal manual intervention.
  • ItemValidator --- validate that an API item (JSON-like Python object) is at least minimally valid. This happens by matching the item against a prototype item, and making sure all fields are there, and have values of the right type. This parameterised class provides generic validation; additional validation is then applied per item type, as needed.

In addition, there are a few auxiliary classes and functions. For the full details, please read the source code and embedded docstrings. (If the code too hard to read, that's a bug that needs fixing.)

On databases

We have a simple approach to databases. They are used as stupid storage with lookup. We do not use constraints, triggers, stored functions, or other database smarts, because such things are harder to understand and to verify than real code. The Database class reflects this, as does the overall system architecture, which has been designed to not need much intelligence from the database layer.

Source code layout

Most of the code is in the qvarn library. This library is unit tested.

The debian directory has the files needed to build Debian (.dsc and .deb) packages.

Building Debian packages

You need to build Debian packages in a Debian system (or a system sufficiently like Debian; Ubuntu probably works). You need at least the following packages installed:

  • build-essential - all the basic development tools, such as C and C++ compilers and development libraries
  • debhelper - a packaging helper utility, which makes packaging much easier
  • python-all - all Python versions (packaging is a little simpler if they're all installed)
  • devscripts - supplies the dch and debuild tools.

(This list may be inadequate. If you notice a problem, please change the list.)

Make sure the DEBEMAIL environment variable holds your e-mail address ( Set it in your .bashrc or other suitable place.

To prepare and build Debian packages:

  1. If you've made any changes, update `debian/changelog`:
    1. dch -v X.Y-Z This is a summary of my change. (where X.Y-Z is

      the new version number).

    2. dch -r '' (replaces UNRELEASED in the first line).
  2. debuild -us -uc (the options prevent digital signatures from being created).

A deployed system

The deployed system, as installed from the Debian package, looks like this:

  • The Python library qvarn is installed in the usual location for such, in Debian: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qvarn.
  • The backend application is installed in /usr/bin.
  • The backend application is started by uwsgi, which is configured via /etc/uwsgi.
  • The haproxy load balancer is used to direct HTTP requests from the external network interface to the right localhost port. The haproxy config is configured using external means (e.g., Ansible).
  • There are several log files involved:
    • /var/log/haproxy.log
    • /var/log/uwsgi/*/*
    • /var/log/qvarn/qvarn.log*
  • All services run as the www-data user and www-data group.


Qvarn can be configured via:

  • configuration file
  • environment variables
  • command line arguments

These configuration options are listed in the same order as they are read. Configuration options at the bottom overrides preceding parameters.

Available configuration options:

specdir = /etc/qvarn
log-max-files = 10
log-max-bytes = 10240
log = syslog
enable_access_log = false
access_log_entry_chunk_size = 300

type = postgres
host = localhost
port = 5432
name = qvarn
user = qvarn
password = qvarn
readonly = false
minconn = 1
maxconn = 5
file =

token_issuer =
token_validation_key =
token_private_key_file = 

All these configuration options can be overriden using environment variables, for example QVARN_SPECDIR, QVARN_DATABASE_NAME. Environment variable names are constructed using QVARN_<scetion>_<option> pattern. Section [main] can be ommited, for example QVARN_SPECDIR.

All configuration and environment variables can be overrided by qvarn-backend script command line options. For example:

qvarn-backend \
    --config /etc/qvarn/qvarn.conf \
    -o main.specdir=/etc/qvarn/resources \

--config option also can be specified using QVARN_CONFIG environment variable.

Available configuration parameters


Number of objects put into single log entry. For example, if user receives 900 resources, then if main.access_log_entry_chunk_size is 300, then 3 log entries will be created, each containing 300 accessed ids.

Log consumer backend can limit size of single log entry, so you need to set this value close to allowed maximum in order to increase performance.


Extensions can be configured like this:

endpoint = http://extensions:9100/myapp1

endpoint = http://extensions:9100/myapp2

Required scopes example:


API call example:


Qvarn in this case works as a proxy. Qvarn accepts /ext/<extension>/<query>, checks access rights using uapi_ext_<extension>_<query>_get scope and if everything is ok, then calls extension endpoint with the same parameters. Then reads response from extension endpoint, logs what data was returned and returns it to the client.

Extensions are configured per extensions, not per query. Once you defined extension endpoint in Qvarn configuration, extension can expose multiple queries, without changing Qvarn configuration. Each query still requires new scope.

You can override extension parameters via environment variables. But this only works, if Qvarn configuration file has extension section (even if section is empty). Example of environment variable:


Also you can override extension parameters via command line options:

qvarn-run -o extension:myapp1.endpoint=http://localhost:9100 ...


Healthcheck is a public endpoint and does not require any authorization:


It simply runs SELECT 1 query.


This version of Qvarn is free software.

While Qvarn itself is under the AGPL3+ license (see below), this license does NOT apply to clients of the HTTP API Qvarn provides.

Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy Copyright 2015, 2016 QvarnLabs AB

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


A RESTful HTTP API for JSON storage, integrating with Gluu for identity management, authentication, and authorization







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